Denis Farmer posted this YouTube video from his back garden when he saw a face appearing in the storm clouds over Grand Falls, New Brunswick, Canada. We think his comment half-way through rather sums it up: “Hoooooly Freak!”.

A Head in the Clouds
August 11, 2011
Wow! Very cool.
This is so amazing it’s uncanny! The fact that you were there in the right place at the right time was truly a million to one chance. This is the best cloud-face I have seen so far.
It is awesome what God does with the clouds, I saw a picture of this before but it was just a short one. This was really a great video of the face.
Right before it broke apart the “ear” and “chin” got pointy like a devil. Before that it looked like George Washington.
I would like to believe that its God doing His things. He is showing the world that He owns the earth and He can do anything.
A friend took pic of a cloud look’s Just like the video on the same day in Taylor PA…email me if you would like to see the photo
Here is the strangest thing about the ‘face’ a dear family friend passed away the day before and the ‘face’ looks exactly like him. We saw it here in Pennsylvania as well right by his home.
I think our friend Bobby is traveling to worls to let us all know that he is now at peace and no longer in pain
Stunning and a little bit frightening. Great video!