H20 Meter Gallery © Shotsy Faust

The Water Meter Gallery

Shotsy Faust, member 45472, is the founder of the Water Meter Gallery, situated on a residential street in Pacifica CA.

She explained, “it was started when the water company demanded a setback to the fence, to have access to the water meter, giving a perfect spot for exhibits. As resident, I am Curator. There have been a variety of exhibits since the start of the gallery from friends and interested parties from whimsical to political. The neighborhood participates and rearranges things and changes the narrative as they see fit. Given the foggy skies and incredible clouds along the coast, and being a devoted member of CAS, it seemed proper to give a window to cloudy skies and to the Society itself. I’m hoping for future subscribers and members with this exhibit”.

One thought on “The Water Meter Gallery”

  1. Catherine Howard avatar Catherine Howard says:

    I LUV it!

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