Cloud Appreciation Society Membership

If you, like us, believe that clouds are the most evocative and dynamic of Nature's displays, you will be welcomed into the Cloud Appreciation Society with open arms. Otherwise, you've come to the wrong place.

Below, you'll see what you get as a subscribing member, as well as how to buy membership as a gift for someone else. And if you want to know what the Society stands for, take a look at the Manifesto of the Cloud Appreciation Society.

You Get a Member Pack

We send a badge, a personalised certificate, and a Cloud Selector identification wheel

Society membership isn't just a digital thing. Every member receives a pack in the post. Your membership certificate says that the member will "henceforth seek to persuade all who'll listen of the wonder and beauty of clouds". The pack also contains one of our 'Cloud Selector' identification wheels.


Turn the dial to spot a cloud. No WiFi or battery needed.


You get a Cloud-A-Day

It's an email service for our subscribing members

We've always argued that a moment each day with your head in the clouds has a profound effect on your wellbeing. That's why we send our subscribing members a cloud each day. It arrives as a short daily email. Sometimes it's a photograph of an amazing formation by one of our members, sometimes, a super-short piece of cloud science. We might send an inspiring sky quotation or a detail from a classic piece of cloud art. Each day it's different and takes no longer than 30 seconds to read. Our Cloud-a-Day email contains no distracting links to 'find out more', and it is never, ever about selling stuff.

Today's cloud

Friday 21st March 2025

‘Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.’  
From ‘The Critic as Artist’, an essay by Irish poet and playwright Oscar…

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Member Discounts

Subscribing members of the Cloud Appreciation Society automatically receive 10% off everything on our Cloud Shop. They will also receive discounts off the cloudspotting video courses we have in production, as well as our forthcoming web conference.


Somewhat Occasional Newsletter

We send it once a month, or thereabouts, and it's packed with breaking cloud news from around the world - breaking news of the aimless, carefree pastime of gazing at clouds…

Your membership will help us inspire young cloudspotters

5% of our membership fees are going to helping teachers around the world encourage a greater appreciation and understanding of clouds in young people. Our Cloud Appreciation Pack consists of free downloadable lesson plans, activities and resources and we send out an accompanying physical pack to any school or homeschool teacher free of charge. This Survival Kit for the Imagination is aimed at encouraging young people to become more aware of the beauty of the sky, to learn about how clouds work and to find calm and emotional resilience by engaging with this ever-present part of nature. In short, it is to encourage them to keep looking up.
Find our more about our Cloud Appreciation Pack project…

Jim Hamann Roll Cloud
A volutus, or roll cloud, arrives ahead of a Cumulonimbus storm, spotted by Jim Hamann over Wapello County, Iowa, US.

Who Is This Membership For? New Membership

For Me

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For Someone Else

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$46.97 for 1st Year This will not auto-renew, but giftee can take over subscription or you can extend for and then only $37.44 per year

  • Enamel Member Badge (Silver Colour)
  • Membership Certificate
  • Cloud Selector Wheel
  • Cloud-a-Day Service
  • 10% off the Cloud Shop
Join Now

Supporting Membership

$73.51 for 1st Year This will not auto-renew, but giftee can take over subscription or you can extend for and then only $63.98 per year

  • Includes member benefits, plus:
  • Enamel Supporting Member Badge (Gold Colour)
  • 15% off the Cloud Shop
  • Help expand our work with schools & children.
Join Now

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See our Data Policy about the user data we to fulfill orders and memberships

Not interested in becoming a member? If you just want to stay in touch, become a Friend to receive our newsletter:

Please confirm that you are happy for us to store your details in order to send our Somewhat Occasional Cloud Newsletter.

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