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8 thoughts on “photographed in the Mediterranean”

  1. Barguestspirit says:

    Oh wow! Talk about being in the right place at the right time with a camera! I see four well formed waterspouts all lined up in an almost perfect row here, but who knows how many more there might have been. I can also see a nice swirl in the clouds around the top of the spout closest to the camera. Awesome!

  2. Benjamin says:

    I cried out “WHAT?!” when i saw this. :D
    Really amazing. The cumulonimbus is reaching with 4 of its finger to feel the temperature of the water. ;)

  3. mim says:

    its alright…. more focus on the subject is needed.

  4. lorenzo-ATP says:

    altra foto bufala !!!

  5. Michele says:

    é fantastico….ma quanto piccoli siamo rispetto a tutto cio? …. Senza parole

  6. Paolo Adami says:

    Sarei proprio curioso di sapere in quale luogo del Mediterraneo può essere accaduto tutto ciò. Ad ogni modo è una immagine davvero strepitosa.

  7. N&L says:

    Vedo le nostre paure… e la forza per superarle… guarda bene, ce l’hai anche tu…

  8. cloudlover! says:

    spiffing. that is truly amazing!! i hope i become a cloud when i die… it would be so thrillingful. mwah

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