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Main Cloud Types
- Cumulus
- Stratus
- Stratocumulus
- Altocumulus
- Altostratus
- Cirrus
- Cirrocumulus
- Cirrostratus
- Nimbostratus
- Cumulonimbus
Other Clouds
- Arcus
- Asperitas
- Cap / banner clouds
- Capillatus
- Castellanus
- Cataractagenitus
- Cauda (Tail cloud)
- Cavum (Fallstreak hole)
- Congestus
- Contrail (homogenitus)
- Duplicatus
- Diamond dust
- Distrail
- Fibratus
- Flammagenitus (Pyrocumulus)
- Floccus
- Fluctus (Kelvin-Helmholtz)
- Fractus
- Homogenitus
- Horseshoe vortex
- Humilis
- Incus
- Intortus
- Lacunosus
- Lenticularis
- Mamma
- Morning Glory Cloud
- Murus (Wall cloud)
- Mediocris
- Nacreous
- Nebulosus
- Noctilucent
- Pannus
- Perlucidus
- Pileus
- Praecipitatio
- Radiatus
- Silvagenitus
- Spissatus
- Stratiformis
- 'Supercilium' (not official classification)
- Translucidus
- Tuba / Twister
- Uncinus
- Undulatus
- Velum
- Vertebratus
- Virga
- Volutus (Roll cloud)
Optical Effects
- 22° Halo
- 46° Halo
- Circumhorizon Arc
- Circumscribed halo
- Circumzenithal Arc
- Cloudbow / Fogbow
- Corona
- Crepuscular rays & shadows
- Diffuse arcs
- Green flash
- Glory
- Halos
- Helic arc
- Infralateral arc
- Iridescence
- Lower Sun Pillar
- Lower Tangent Arc
- Moonbow
- Moondogs
- Parhelic circle
- Parry antisolar arcs
- Parry arc
- Parry infralateral arc
- Parry supralateral arc
- Rainbow
- Sub parhelion
- Sub-sun
- Suncave parry arc
- Sun dog (Parhelion)
- Sun pillar
- Supernumerary bows
- Subparhelic circle
- Supralateral arc
- Upper tangent arc
- Wegener arc
December 13, 2005
King Kong over Brazil.
4 thoughts on “King Kong over Brazil.”
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Jose we are trying to contact you, have you changed email address, please get in touch with
Ian L Photo Gallery Editor.
@ 2007-03-06 21:21:22
Great photo… looks like a ‘sulpher crested cockatoo’ that we have here in Australia!
Great photographs….I have always enjoyed watching clouds, especially those that have the shape of things. It is one of the many things in life that are free and pleasurable. Who needs television or playstations when we have so much beauty around us.
a joy to look at it just goes to show you how small we are in the overall picture of things