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43 thoughts on “in Hastings, Nebraska, US”

  1. Gareth Fairclough says:

    the day heaven touched the earth…..

  2. cloudpebbles says:

    My absolute favourite photo on CAS. AWESOME.

  3. On the summit of Wales’ highest mountain, there is a plaque. It reads: Wanderer, stop a while . Consider the wonderous works of God, and of your short passage on this Earth.


  4. Geonef says:

    !!!!! This is Apocalypse !!!!!

  5. Lorenzo-ATP says:

    secondo la mia esperienza di volo ,per me queste foto di OLSEN sono una bufala .

  6. Russ says:

    blimey.would crap me sen if i was out in that!

  7. holly says:

    did u paint that or is it real? looks fake

  8. lilian says:

    this reminds me of the build up to horrible storm, so beautiful, and I love the larger photo, as well. beautiful beautiful

  9. lella says:

    Ti vien quasi voglia di toccarle. Astonishing!!

  10. Michele Brescia says:

    Complimenti per il fotomontaggio, boccaloni

  11. J.T.T says:

    The clouds are jolly good, some of them even look like animals, faces and blobs of puke

  12. Andrea says:

    stupende!!!!sembra essere in un sogno..

  13. Roberto VENEZIANI says:

    Mi avete fatto riscoprire la bellezza del cielo, come quando, da bambino fantasticavo di cavalcare le nuvole!

  14. ele says:

    belle sì. anche se fossero taroccate sono belle. ebbravi!!

  15. Stefano says:

    Davvero belle! Troppo belle per essere vere! Sembravano modificate con Photoshop!

  16. Skip says:

    Beautiful. How often do these occur there?

  17. Agordino says:

    Veramente ottime, abbinate alle nostre belle Dolomiti Agordine farebbero una gran figura.

  18. Roberto says:

    E’ bella munto bè!

  19. Diana says:

    What a magnificent cloud – what a magnificent photograph!!

  20. Ninni e Rio Chieco, italy, Pug says:

    Magnifica. Il mondo è bello.

  21. Augusto says:

    Oh is beautiful, is really photo? not modified with photoshop or another program? Ciao from Italy

  22. raffaella says:

    stupenda spero sia reale! dall’italia

  23. ornella from Italy says:

    Mamma Mia che bella foto! BRAVO!

  24. nicoletta cocchi says:

    MOLTO BELLE. really beautifull. UN SALUTO DALL’ITALIA. greetings from italy. NICOLETTA. nancy

  25. Delia says:

    I’m surprised: the clouds in Nebraska seem rubber!

  26. Faisel Hafeez says:

    Amazing !The beauty of the clouds borders disbelief !!!

  27. Hi Maisie
    Cool eh!I have just joined the couldappreciation socoiety, best £2 ever, ever spent!

  28. Neil Fiertel says:

    this type of cloud is indicative of possible or likely tornado threats.Beautiful though it may be, for those who have been through tornadoes…it is a vision of awe and, yes, fear…

  29. Ralph says:

    The presence of mammatus clouds often indicates a vigorous cumulonimbus in the vicinity. If the mammatus clouds are relatively weak, in distance, and not approaching, the threat from the storm that produced them is not likely to be very great. However, if they are large and approaching, the sky should be watched closely for the possibility of severe weather.
    Page 473 from from National Audubon Society.

  30. andrew says:

    what causes this amazing and scary phenomenon

  31. Ricardo says:

    Very strange, very X-Files…

  32. petereid says:

    bloody hell! worrisit?

  33. Tom says:

    Looks like several umbilici lined up together.

  34. Ray Taylor says:

    Oh Mamma!

  35. Dave Atkinson says:

    Those clouds look really trippy, reminds me of some kind of si-fi film…..

  36. Madmont says:

    Do clouds really look like that or has it been modified in photoshop ?

  37. Sangram Nagesh says:

    Veils of million angels.

  38. Anonymous says:

    What an unusual picture. I love it!

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11 thoughts on “in Hastings, Nebraska, US”

  1. giorgia says:

    unbelivable!!!simply unbelivable!!!

  2. Terry Graham says:

    Fantastic….Nature reigns supreme

  3. Michael D says:

    Go visit the photographer’s site before you decide if this photo is created with a graphic program. I vote for the real thing with maybe some finishing touches from PS. Jorn Olsen was in the right place at the right time and made some awesome images.

  4. cecilia says:

    is it real?

  5. Hi…I’m a graphic designer and I have to say…well…very good picture but it’s a fake! Notice the persistent halo round the leaves and the trees….well done, but not so good ;-)

  6. Josi says:

    This is a pattern kown as mammary clouds, usually precede a sever thunderstorm, or sure sign of sever weather, maybe hail tornado

  7. Colin says:

    Again good work but not real.

  8. Colin says:

    Again good work but not real.

  9. Simon London says:

    Weird cotton wool sky, how cool!

  10. Holz says:

    Can this be real? It’s amazing! I’m a fan.

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28 thoughts on “in Hastings, Nebraska, US”

  1. kaitlyn says:

    thats pretty cool,
    i have never seen anything like it.

  2. susie says:

    is the world full of unbelievers? It makes me think of being under the ice cap at the Pole and looking up

  3. simone says:

    ma vi immaginate a stare sotto un cielo così?

  4. d.j. says:

    this is fake, but a nice photo. i’ve used this technique to cut and paste my grandsons from a photo into a different picture together, it leaves a halo or mess around the edges of what is pasted onto another photo. go to and download SUPER MAGNIFY program, then checkout a few digital photos of your own without touch-ups. you’ll see the difference.

  5. Francesco says:

    Cosa dire davanti ad un foto del genere? STUPENDA e dire poco!!!!!

  6. luisa says:

    Spettacolare!!!!mi ci vedo sopra a cavalcarle!!Avrei voluto esserco per riempirmi gli occhi….

  7. May says:

    Its like a rolling, boiling wave in the sky. Stunning.

  8. Geonef says:

    Jan…This formation is due to the intensive turbulence (intense small scale vortices) inside this storm-nimbus.The mammatus cloud is a severe weather omen….

  9. Anonymous says:

    How woderful the could is!!!

  10. Sally says:

    Wish we had these clouds in England (without the worry of bad weather to follow). Can believe they are real, they look like marshmallows!

  11. diana says:

    la foto è assolutamente splendida,è unica.
    non ho mai visto nulla di simile.complimenti per il sito.

  12. Angelina says:

    невероятни снимки!!!

  13. andrea says:

    che dire? non ho parole per uno scatto cosi.
    potrebbe essere banale ma per me e’ suggestiva.
    cosa ci troviamo di interessante? guarda oltre e lo capirai

  14. L&N says:

    ma voi cosa ci vedete? willy wonka si è dato alla panna?

  15. again….very good work but it’s a fake….these are real mammatus clouds:

  16. sandro3 says:

    mammatus mia! che roba è?! solo in america…

  17. Stefano says:

    It scares me! :D
    Mi fanno paura! :D

  18. Alexa says:

    Vorrei averla scattata io! Bellissima!!!

  19. Massimo, Rome says:

    Foto unica tra foto bellissime

  20. Roberta, Italy says:

    Non ho parole!!! E’ davvero una foto fantastica!!!

  21. Luigi says:

    Bellissime e bellissima fotografia !

  22. Jon says:

    I saw a formation similar to this 5 or 6 years ago here in Cornwall – thought I was dreaming!

  23. Andy says:

    Really impressive image of mammatus. And I’ve seen similar images before so to the doubters – they’re real!

  24. Rich says:

    Does look very photoshoped, but no denying that it does look beautiful!

  25. Colin says:

    Don’t think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good try.

  26. Jan says:

    What causes such amazing cloud formations as these?

  27. Craig Dunn says:

    Got to be a painting surely!

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