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6 thoughts on “Sunset storm clouds, with canine features, Catatumbo, Venezuela.”

  1. Outstanding image! The dog does not look happy!

  2. Ruth says:

    Looks like an Aladdin's lamp to me.

  3. Mark says:

    If there was an imp pulling my ear I'd complain too….

  4. Anita E says:

    there's an imp pulling that dog's ear!

  5. bryan says:

    Awesome Alan… flat out love this…

  6. Francis says:

    An awe-inspiring sight!

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12 thoughts on “Alan Highton”

  1. Wow, that's what i like most!!

  2. Alan Highton says:

    Thank you all.Hey,come and see the Catatumbo lightning and the marvels of Venezuela.

  3. Deborah Kiehn says:

    Absolutely amazing! I am in awe.

  4. Cindy says:

    Fistfuls of lightning bolts.

  5. John Rowlands says:

    Gets my 'Picture of the Year' vote! Kind regards from Wales.

  6. Ginnie Powell says:

    It leaves me breathless. Absolutely, stunningly beautiful. Thank you, Alan.

  7. Richard Ghorbal says:

    The most beautiful lightning photo I have ever seen. thanks.
    reminds me of my visit to ciudad bolivar in 1999.

  8. Wlady says:

    Awesome shot! Thanks, Alan!

  9. Alan Highton says:

    The Catatumbo Lightning is an extrodinary phenomenon.See for more details.

  10. bryan says:

    Whoa! Krikies…. Alan, this is FAN-TAS-TIC!!!! WOW WOW WOW!!!! Thanks for sharing… this is awesome

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