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A developing cumulonimbus with precipitation reaching the ground by way of what appears to be a potential microburst, which is a localized column of air (downdraft) within a thunderstorm. This evolving storm was spotted near South Canterbury, New Zealand.


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A parade of cumulus clouds with limited updraft potential on this calm weather day over Minneapolis, Minnesota, US


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Reflections on a beach; as Reven and her friends were taking a walk along the Pacific Ocean during sunset, they noticed an exquisite apricot cloudscape being reflected in the windows of the beach homes in Stinson Beach, West Marin, California, US


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A combination of virga, which is precipitation that does not reach the ground, and praecipitatio, which is precipitation that does reach the ground, spotted over Behabad, Central Desert, Yazd Province, Iran


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These lens-shaped orographic wave clouds, known as altocumulus lenticularis, form when the air is stable and winds blow across hills and mountains from the same or similar direction at different heights through the troposphere. If there is enough moisture in the air, the rising motion of the wave will cause water vapour to condense, forming the unique appearance of lenticular clouds. This classic example was spotted near Narbonne, France.


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