Better Days
See clouds all laced with pink
“How marvellous!” I think;
Such glory of the skies
Dancing before my eyes.
Witnessing the morning’s roar
Suddenly I feel sure;
That as does the waking ceiling
The day ahead will bring good feelings.
A woman passes me
We say “the clouds- you see?!”;
Both sharing in the wonder
At the morning’s soundless thunder.
For this moment, peace is ours
There’s no conflict in this hour…
Then go our separate ways
Intended different days.
For the sun will always rise
Regardless of day’s demise;
Though life may have you low
You can choose not to feel so.
So let’s not forget this fact
Lest we start to go off track;
Hope ahead for better days
For the sun will shine always!
© spiggsy 2013
Hi Spiggs7y,
Thank you for your kind comment.
I like your poem too and the optimism it displays. What would life be without Hope, indeed. It’s all most of us have, isn’t it!