Have you lain on a bed of grass
And watched the pictures in clouds that pass
Large and small ones floating by
In that vast and azure sky
Here comes one, just what is that
Your imagination espies a cat
Then a break to reveal the sky
Before another comes gliding by
The shapes are varied, large and small
Maybe a fish or an animal
Puff-ball mountains of cotton-wool
Sailing by on a breeze that’s cool
Oh yes, I’ve lain on a grassy bed
And followed the clouds as each one sped
Their silent course, like a bird on the wing
And hope many more will be following
They come and go, some fast, some slow
As I leisurely watch this picture show
And enjoy the scene as it passes by
Of creative wonders in the sky
When next you have a moment to spare
And clouds are gathered high in the air
I m sure you’ll see, if you carefully look
Those images oft’ found in a picture book
© Olive Brown