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  • in reply to: Black & White Thread Volume IV #219235
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    (continued from above…) Maybe I should have stopped there. One more twist and it quickly (and irreversibly) morphed into something rather Otherworldly. I shall leave it to your own imaginations lest you be stuck with what emerged there for me.


    Otherworldly Creature

    in reply to: Black & White Thread Volume IV #219234
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    Feeling Energy here too, Hans, and inspiration as well. Michael, the strong sculptural quality of your latest image led me to want to view it in all directions (hope you don’t mind) and I see how easily it could lend itself to becoming a work of art in any direction. Several tangible mediums come to mind.

    Encouraged to try this with one of my old photos, I gave it a turn and found it evoked a completely different feeling than it did in its original orientation.


    in reply to: Summer skies over UK last week – 14 photos to view #218975
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    Laurence, your likening musical instruments to cloud formations reminded me of something I recently read about Stieglitz’s Equivalents series:

    <quote source: Wikipedia> He told his wife Georgia O’Keeffe “I wanted a series that when seen by Ernest Bloch (the great composer) he would exclaim: Music! Music! Man, why that is music! How did you ever do that? And he would point to violins and flutes, and oboes, and brass…” He first exhibited this series in 1923 in his one-man show at the Anderson Galleries in New York, and reported that when Bloch saw them there he had exactly the reaction Stieglitz had wanted. <end quote>

    When I looked up and saw this sky, I could have sworn I heard a symphony!


    in reply to: Black & White Thread Volume IV #218973
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    Yes, let’s! I very much like that we can’t see what lies ahead on This Road of (y)ours, Hans. Still, there’s comfort in knowing we shall ever be In the Company of Clouds, in every shade, of and ‘tween, the allure of B&W.

    IMG_4705_In the Company of Clouds

    in reply to: Black & White Thread Volume IV #218855
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    There’s a sweet serenity in Something Alien that is very appealing, Hans. It makes for an excellent and intriguing start to Volume IV where I expect we’ll see more mystery, magic, and marvelous cloud play.

    We’ve often spoken of how challenging these ethereal images can be to capture. Here’s One That Almost Got Away.

    One that almost got away

    in reply to: Black and White Thread Volume III #218688
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    It only seems fitting to crown Volume III with another grateful nod to the pioneers.

    IMG_4801_BWDesert Bloom

    in reply to: Black and White Thread Volume III #218624
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    Thanks for clarification on the unfortunate slime factor, Michael. Sounds quite miserable, making your own rain (sweat) in that fashion. And now I understand that it’s more a Bit of Breeze, you’re looking for.Breeze

    Regarding today’s Cloud-A-Day homage to Stieglitz, indeed, we do honor his vision and intent, Hans! He is like a party to this ongoing party. And your Tribute is a beautiful testament to it.


    in reply to: Summer skies over UK last week – 14 photos to view #218614
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    Thank you for posting the link, Laurence! The cirrus shown in this series are my favorite too.

    in reply to: Black and White Thread Volume III #218484
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    Ahhh! I almost had to turn down the audio on that one, Hans! And how about a run through the Sprinklers?

    Run Through The Sprinklers

    in reply to: Cloushapes (sic) #218479
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    The clou ‘scaped me too, while I wondered if the word had simply fallen prey to the sneaky winds of autocorrection. But I like the new term for all the reasons you’ve given, Hygge. It will be a nice addition to my cloud vocabulary.

    in reply to: Black and White Thread Volume III #218235
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    Monsoon Season in Arizona: Moisture for the soil – and the soul! Perhaps it starts with a Small Disturbance Somewhere (wonderfully mysterious image, Hans) before morphing into Michael’s Monsoon. Does this mean the temps are now more tolerable there? Weather stats still show 114F for Phoenix. Yikes!

    I’ve been told the French use this phrase for window shopping: “leche la fenetre” which literally translates to “licking the window”. Temping, nest-ce pas?

    Rain on Window_BW

    And Hans, your Clouded Cloud – it looks like you were there that time at just the perfect moment. Extraordinary!

    in reply to: Cloushapes (sic) #218212
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    Hygge, Thank you for introducing this creative suggestion and for your kind compliments about our contributions on the B&W forum topic. I’m all for any pleasant visual and/or audio distraction my mind can float away with when undergoing a medical procedure! One doctor I visited recently had a slide show of beautiful nature scenes looping on a laptop that she could adjust to align with a patient’s eye view. No doubt watching a series of cloud images while being poked or prodded would have a calming effect. Is this something you’re offering to put together? I’d be happy to grant permission for any of the images I’ve posted.

    Both Michael and Hans were so warmly welcoming the first time I posted to the topic that becoming more involved quickly became irresistible. I treasure what has blossomed there since, and am grateful to CAS for offering us this platform to share our trove of captured “cloudshapes” (your term for these images seems most appropriate!).

    An easy playfulness seems to arise whenever narrative themes develop and make unpredictable turns as new images are posted. It’s become a journey with unexpected delights and some very funny exchanges. Most recently, Michael’s innocent posting of “Something I Found Swimming in My Sky” got us going. No one could have predicted where that thread would lead or how fun it would be to find an archived image that suddenly fit the spontaneous storyline. Perhaps there’s another idea that might work for the CAS site: Short stories or themed dialogues that evolve as images are added. Something to muse upon?

    Meanwhile, thanks again to all.

    in reply to: The scent of new rain – Question – Answers please #217926
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    Laurence, so delighted to hear you’ve had your thirst quenched! The last bit of wet we’ve seen here (Napa Valley, California) was weeks ago, and like you, I savored the sweet scent of approaching rain as well as the captivating cloud display.

    Alas, poor Michael. Can it be as predicted that you’ll see 116˚ this weekend? Time for us all to do the rain dance!


    in reply to: Black and White Thread Volume III #217924
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    Hans and Michael, it seems we only ever have but a fleeting moment to capture a Will-o’-the-wisp or a Cloud Source — at least in imagery (or imagination). And as it turns out, in a fair turn-about, your images above have quite captured me.


    Curiouser and curiouser

    in reply to: Wave Clouds #217607
    Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

    Hans, your Milky Waves are like sweet little shivers we could use during this hot spell. Here are some Low Waves to keep cool the toes too.Small waves

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