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Michael Lerch goodness, I hope Lenny tipped the taxi driver well..
I think,,and i hope,all Photos that end up printed and displayed in what ever media venue are ” processed. ” I’ve gone on about the fantastic attributes of Adobe Lightroom. Professional Photogs use RAW,a choice in Image Recording in the digital camera,which is designed for maximum processing of the image for the printed page. So again, the only truth in any Photograph is the feel the observer gets from it. …I remove birds, planes, bugs , dust etc from my ” image”. I add or subtract contrast, saturation, clarity, to a image of maybe just a part of an image. I crop just about every shot. I shoot with the knowledge that I will adjust the size, the borders, the brightness the darkness, etc etc etc. I almost feel sorry for the printer,,because as in the CAS Calendar,,the original, un processed image was asked for. I knew what I went thru with that image before I originally sent it to Ian.
Gavin expressed somewhere, that he hoped we were happy with what the printer did with our photographs. I am Happy. Minor differences are not worth the time to discuss. Just as my Image is not the same as the actual momentary sight I saw,,the printers version cannot be either.
For a real hoot though,.try to imagine the Trump Logo floating above Stonehenge and or The Pyramids,,maybe the Greek Acropolis….Eiffel Tower..etc..
Michael Lerch
ParticipantYes, Clouds Are So Like Dreams, a time and place to set ones mind free. And like dreams, freedom is no guarantee of pleasant escapades..
Cloud CoverMichael Lerch
Michael Lerch
Participanthygge..Im always brought to Magritte’s ” This Is Not A Pipe” illustration, ( Treachery of Images). Photographs are not reality. They are at best a 2 dimensional representation of reality or of something. As a collection of photographs ( a graph made by light) of Stonehenge in all its various moods and incantations the lenny shot is allowed on ” poetic license” basis. Just as the shots of “modern day”druids celebrating equinox are allowed. But neither have for a second got me thinking in terms of logic or reason. Both turn me to my heart, my ” feel” of this ancient tribute to their gods/god.. The Lenny shot works figuratively. It fails in a literal sense. The Lighting is wrong. The scale is wrong. The Physics that produce such phenomena is absent. The Witnesses are Missing. etc etc. Some of the other photos are also problematic in a literal sense, but figuratively work in the wonderful magical fantasy realm that Stonehenge invokes in all of us. Now..I got a guy over here this side of the pond, who wants to make things great again. Yet, it seems to me , Stonehenge would the best starting point for such ambition. Is there any way I can Interest a majority of the public to take this modern day Whiz ard and give him something to really brag about if he was to succeed at making great again?
Michael Lerch
ParticipantInternational…??…My Goodness,,Way Too Small Thinking Here.. I’ve observed clouds measuring Light Years Across ! Planetary! HAA! Clouds So dense Light can’t even make it thru all the better for birthing thousands of suns . Even “Universe” seems just a Tad. Cloud Appreciation..infers All types of Cloud..with Scale, left undetermined and infinite…imho.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantThanks Gavin. Sorry to interrupt your Sunday. I speak for myself; i communicate the problem so CAS is aware of it, but I intend no urgency in the communication. I mean…clouds..right? Like there isn’t enough at this site to keep one with Clouds for a long while. New additions,like a fine bottle of wine or Cuban Cigar, can only get better with time. So, anyway, Thank you much for getting to the bottom of the upload problem…I’ll have to remember that if I ever have a download problem,;)
Michael Lerch
Participanthygge…uuhhmm the lighting of the edifices and grounds does not match the ” sunset” lighting of the cloud formation so, there is an easy clue some ” photoshopp’ing has been done to the pic. I think you see it but haven’t found the words..the scale is off, to me anyway.. The Straight Ahead perspective is a subtle give away imho. Its Flat. ,,kinda what happens when your observing mind becomes cynical. Overall, its not a natural shot, opening the door to,,,unnatural…Americans have been introduced to the ” alternate facts” very recently. I think the Lenticular/ Stonehenge shot is an ” alternate fact’ Some body getting carried away with the UFO Business…and the photographer/processor decided to give it a try as well..imho. Seems to me,, such a shot opportunity would have made it into the Viral universe soon after being observed..A) because being Stonehenge, many folks would have seen it and photographed it..B) each of them anxious to get their 15 minutes of fame…Imean as an example,,the other recent Lenny phenomena in GrtBrt had at least 3 or 4 photo witnesses just here..Cynical? no..Experienced in a good way is how I prefer to see it. I’d like to see a bunch of photos from different folks of the event before I believe this one.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantToo Much Coffee Cloud
Michael Lerch
ParticipantThe newly elected President of USA has yet to grasp the basic idea that,,the cause of global warming/climate change,may still be argued about,,but the solution or at least attempt at solving the problem is within Man’s abilities and most likely, within in Man’s abilities Alone. No other inhabitant of Earth is going to do much to solve the alarming increases in average global temperature. For Americans to place hope in an administration that carried the ” Birther” banner for years among other ” fake news’ bullet points at every opportunity has been , is, and will be a difficult proposition. I along with many others have fear of the persons and venues that Do Continue the Climate Change Discussion Will be The Next To Disappear From Web Sites and Media Outlets.
Michael Lerch
Participantoh well cant get a pic to post!
Too Much Coffee CloudMichael Lerch
ParticipantYes, the Surreal! the other reality between opposites. As Rod Serling use to put it, ” Between Sight and Sound there is a place” I posted a pic or two a good while back of some overhead imaginative and I return to that place with the below. Again with the duplicatus;the frail lacunous under altocumulous.
Michael Lerch
Michael Lerch
ParticipantCloud Weave
Michael Lerch
ParticipantPost Truth Clouds
Michael Lerch
ParticipantThx Stewart! Nice crepuscular ray shot! As long as there are clouds, I’ll be posting shots of them here.