Forum Replies Created
Michael Lerch
ParticipantKeelin below is a shot I took on Jan 19 2017 across the street from work ( East Valley). I saw all the signs of an event then looked almost straight up and there were the Waves. Wonderment!
Some times I think I hear Asperitas, a faint woosh. Maybe its just excitement of witnessing such a cool natural phenomena.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantThink of Infrared with heat.. or of heat..
Michael Lerch
ParticipantThank You All For Your Kind Words! Hygge , you have picked out the one thing that not bragging here..I am saying what follows in the vein of ..theres a change going on. Its more than fair share Hygge..I’ve noted over the last few years that the Phoenix skies are visited by Asperitas perhaps once a quarter up to once every 6 weeks. During Monsoon season I actually see few, very few Asperitas. Here is the change..The photo I sent in and Ian posted in the gallery a day or two ago,,was photographed Jan 23,2017. Looking at my Photographic Records…I shot Asperitas Jan 19,,Jan 20,,Jan 22 as well as Jan23.. The shot below was taken in the afternoon on Jan 22..I also have Asperitas ( mixed with Holmboe Phenomena)shots dated Jan 13 2017 and Dec 30 2016 ! Just about when I get to processing the shots of a event an even better one comes along. So,,the idea of fair share,,needs to be re-thought. I’ve got a lot of Asperitas pics no one has seen.
Maybe..its like Andy K and his Owens Valley Lenticulars. The flat desert at the bottom of the pacific trough sweeping in and across ,creates conditions where alls it takes are the low hills east and north to trigger Asperitas. The East Valley with the McDowell and Usury mtns ( Hills) seem to be good spawning grounds for Asperitas.. A majority of my photo sessions with Asperitas have been in the East Valley. With a little El Nino effect Asperitas flourishes…??..We’ll see. Weather predictions are calling for good chances of rain Saturday and Sunday.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantWow Hans, very Warm! So,,take some warm and some cool and you get..Unreal!
Michael Lerch
ParticipantHay Fever Season Can’t Be Too Far Away
Michael Lerch
ParticipantYeaa ! Reality is such a Gas..Im liking the work!
Another Arizona Wild Sunset
Michael Lerch
ParticipantWell so much for trying to be clever .. freekin Google….Theres a lion in the clouds and yes its not easy to see it because its made of cloud..And speakin of not easy to see..Hygge,,theres a slider on the far right of the screen. You can go from top to bottom of thread in about 1 . 5 seconds with good mouse to hand to eye co-ordination. But why?when there are all the fun photos of clouds to look at in between? One might see something one hasn’t seen before…like a the jungle..the mighty jungle ..sleeping tonite..cuz it gotz a full stomach ..burp. ;)
I have many Cloud arrangements as if I were FTD and they are ready for a vase. Below is one of the latest.
February 4, 2017 at 3:28 pm in reply to: So, what is/are your fav. cloud genera, species, etc.? #195130Michael Lerch
ParticipantI live in the desert,,where they like to boast 285+ days a year of sunshine. On average we can go 2 weeks without seeing cloud..any kind of cloud..Talk about blue sky thinking! So…any cloud is my favorite cloud. Any cloud will get my attention.
Weather systems tend to hurry along here in the desert. Think of systems rolling in from the Pacific as a huge whip and what makes it over the Sierra Nevada is already drained of most of its moisture and is at the end of the whip it ” snaps” over the Upper Sonoran Desert here.Weather systems can arrive and leave within a 4 hr period. So I see the high cirrus,to alto to cumulus and back again in less than a day. Theres no time for favorites,,I have to pay attention to them all, especially if there is photographic opportunities manifesting themselves.
I’ve learned to read the clouds in order to anticipate and thus be prepared for an cloud event. Speed, elevation tells me if Im even going to have a chance. I use satellite images to gauge duration. There is something about large perlucidus being heralds for Asperitas… Undulatus orientated in different direction at the same time suggest some wild coming my way. The easiest read is contrails. If they even exist for more than a smidge means theres moisture in the atmosphere way up there, which is a good start.
Favorite cloud? Yes, they are.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantThanks Daniel! Early morning lighting creates a lot of fun. Add the low angle lighting to a two layer cloud event with the wind sheer and all ,,it can get wild. Below is from the same event ; a wider perspective. I like how cloud goes from white to dark depending on the position of the layer above it.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantHAA! Good One Keelin!
This one might make a good puzzle
Michael Lerch
ParticipantHans , Yes I make it a practice to give pics ” time”. After the first rush to process the selected best from a session, I may go a few days before getting back to any more processing. Time seems to validate if I was successful or not in photographing what ever was in my mind. And true, it may take a long while to ” see” what interested me in the first place.
This one I’ve enjoyed for a while. Time for a public viewing.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantThis Must Be Said..Any and All citizens of The Empire Should Speak Loudly to the Royals, All Of Them. In My Humble Opinion Any and All Royals Should Stay Away From Trump. Physically, 10km at least Thus Allowing for Not One Photo Opportunity With or By Trump. IMHO, If Given The Opportunity For a Photo Op With Any Royal , Trump Will Claim Proof Of Agreement With Him by The Proof of the Photo. Even If a Royal of Any Age Was To Tell Trump To Go To Hades, ,,Trump Would Still Spin The Meeting To His Favor. That Is His Style. That Is His Brand. He Lives and Acts In a Universe That Denies Any and All Opposing Views and Actions. It Takes Lawyers and Judges and Sometimes Years For Trump to Be Proved Otherwise and Even After All That, He Still Blames Any and Every Body Else. That IS HIS STYLE. That IS HIS RECORD.
The Tragedy is,,folks here say,,yes we know that about him, but we did and would still vote for him.. I don’t understand that and am just repeating it because I’ve heard these sentiments often recently and worse,,Im hearing them even more as each day goes by, I feel sorry for the children, grand children of todays parents. They will have Trump to thank for the oxygen bottle that they have to carry around. The climate will change enough ,quickly enough, that no animal will be able to Evolve quick enough, to come away unscathed. Our existence will be reduced. Unfortunately the degree appears to be likely increased by the short sighted paranoiac vision of the likes of Trump and his advisors. `
He must not be encouraged. He must not even be acknowledged and respected. He only uses people for his own aggrandizement. Give Him No Opportunity to Use The Royal Family.
My apologies to CAS for this political post..
Michael Lerch
ParticipantGeorge,,It was around 9 am ‘ish..maybe 9:30am ?? Sun rise somewhere around 7:30 – 7:45 ??.. I recall the sun being in about an hour or more above the horizon position. Again there was a blanket of alt strat in front of the sun. The bow should be just about opposite the sun,?? Hope that helps.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantI’m liking the work being posted here so much, I stumbled on some shots from two years ago that I never processed. Now seems a good time for this escapade. By the way..feel free to flip and or rotate this shot. IMHO its pretty good rotated 90 degrees and then flipped.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantYes, of course hygge, ice for halos, water droplets for bows, Thanks! , Thats the only pic i got of the phenom. Apparently they don’t last for very long.