Forum Replies Created
Michael Lerch
ParticipantKeelin you mite be surprised by how many shots I’ve posted here that are not on original orientation.
How many anecdotes and out right jokes about a famous artist’s work being hung upside down? To me its a sign of a good job if a work is enjoyed no matter what the orientation. Its a good habit to have to look at your creation as many ways possible.
This one below works for me only one way, the way you see it. But thats just my opinion.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantMichael Lerch
ParticipantWe have Met The Aliens..and The Aliens Are US!
Michael Lerch
ParticipantStieglitz with his ” Equivalence” still resonates with me to this day. Being ” touched” or provoked by a shape or pattern or nature at its most it nature or is it a humanbeing opening oneself allowing oneself , to be touched, to be provoked,,by the most primal , natural, around us..? The idea that clouds may have an imprint on our, humans, genetic history seems plausible. As long as we have been around, so have clouds.
A tribute to A Stieglitz and his ” soul mate’, his ” Twin”, Georgia OKeefe..
Michael Lerch really isn’t about cooling off here in the desert Keelin. Its about drying out. I would take 112f with 7% humidity over 105f with 25% humidity. Its a comfort issue. Local weather news folks have introduced a ” Feels Like Factor” to their nightly forecasting. Like ” windchill factor” its a estimation of abandon all hope. High temps with high humidity feels like a being slimed..Stay indoors where A/C takes all the moisture out of the cool air, and you’ll be fine. Go Out Side,,at any time of the day,anytime..24/7..and you will be slimed. Of survive, one must drink copious amounts of water so you don’t dehydrate because you are sweating so much..slimed.. The difference 7 % humidity, you sweat but it evaporates almost instantly..therefore no beads of sweat running down your temples. But at 15% humidity , sorry,,the stains on your shirt or blouse tell no lies. Its uncomfortable beyond tolerance for many folks.They leave. For me..Monsoon is the season of Cumulo Nimbus, lightning shows, rainbows, pelus and velum that stretch for miles etc etc. An if anybody sees me at the parks or wherever, taking pics in the middle of this weather..they too must be sweat stained as I , because they are outside. So..its part of the deal. If ya want..ya gotta give.. to be slimed is to be alive..Small price for Great shows. Maybe by mid October, its all over. The high pressure dome over 4 Corners breaks down and its pumping action quits pulling the moisture up from the sub tropics. We go back to the ” dry heat” and 2 to 3 weeks without a cloud in the sky.
Speaking of cloud in the sky..below is a Study of One.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantAaah Fleeting Moments..perhaps a title for a cloud video.But the little virgas and big virgas drift so eloquently. I’ve often thought in terms..that if you see a great cloud pic..and don’t have a camera at the ready..its too late. Yet yesterday i saw a pic and the camera was at least 2 minutes away..Ok, I took a few short cuts..yes the rug got wet..but I got the shots. The clouds were slower than I thought I guess. Sometimes they fleet fast and other times they fleet slow.
Well Its definitely Monsoon Season in the desert whether I like It or not. So below is in tribute..
Monsoon Bomb..
Michael Lerch
ParticipantH..I have one of those ” Digital Photo Frame” that is basically a slide show in a frame. Saw one at my dentists and I thought, Pretty Neat!..Well fast forward 5 years and there it sits..still in the original box..Yet I still of these days..Perhaps when I retire I’ll get to it.
But you have a good idea. I’ve complained about the blank featureless ceiling at my dentist. I think dentists are sadists so you have to some how win their good side witha such a positive idea. maybe on the wall in the waiting room..anywhere..etc
Of course i’ve signed a few copywrite releases and will continue to do so.
Good idea!
Michael Lerch
ParticipantCloud Source
Michael Lerch
Michael Lerch
ParticipantI like the energy and flows of direction in this shot…
Michael Lerch
ParticipantThank You Keelin and hygge…All donations gratefully received..Today it cooled off. Only 117f today. Slurpee Time!
Michael Lerch
ParticipantWell, Keelin once seen,can’t unsee is my problem. I try to ” see’ the picture as it was in reality.. cirrus clouds overhead and I can’t find a way back to it. Portions are real but the whole ..won’t let me..One of the aspects of B&W..B&W is not reality. Thats what I like about your shots Hans and Keelin. Both of the above let reality go and tilt and drift , dance and drape as the clouds wish. The mind ,well my mind, goes with that with an ease.
Heres a CloudScape taken two years ago,,but I rediscovered it today.,,a bit of magic in that.
Michael Lerch
Michael Lerch
ParticipantLG ..I get an ” earthy” smell. I’ve always assumed its the dirt in the air being washed and pushed around by the falling rain..Here in the desert,,the Dry desert,,my nose drys out easily..So a daily rinse helps keep the smell glands doin their job. On a Hot crowds an what not..that may not be such a great idea tho.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantHeres a Shot I’ve Yet To Make Any Sense Out I’ll Call It