The Mount Washington Observatory

The Mount Washington Observatory

Forums The Cloud Forum The Mount Washington Observatory

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    • #193791
      George Preoteasa avatarGeorge Preoteasa

      There is a great place to observe and experience weather, the top of Mount Washington in New Hampshire. A weather observatory was established in the 1930’s, I believe. It’s there at 6200 ft, that the highest wind speed was recorded, an unbelievable 231 mph. (That record was only recently broken.) The weather changes fast. It can be fierce or beautiful. I am thinking of how lucky the few observers that spend the days and nights year round are. They take great pictures that they share on Facebook. Here is a recent one that caught my eye:

      Not sure how links to Facebook work, but if you search for MWObs, you should find their site.

    • #193895
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      A lovely picture, George, although Facebook has followed The Times and blocks much of my view since I don’t belong to it. It’s a coincidence that Will Pavia wrote a piece about Mt Washington in The Times recently (his final para asked would you want to honeymoon there). Click on the heading ‘Stormiest…’ to read the start of the article.

    • #193905
      George Preoteasa avatarGeorge Preoteasa

      Hygge, thanks for the article. Although The Times only shows me the first two paragraphs, I read about the plan in the Wall Street Journal. My thought, as a hiker, was, I wish they did not build one, but if they do, I may want to stay there.

      Experimenting with Chrome in incognito mode, so that Facebook does not see my cookies and recognizes me, I think I reproduced the problem you ran into and there may be a solution. When the pop-up asks you to join, click “not now”. It will go away and you will see the photo. Now if you click on it, it will expand. You can further move the mouse cursor to either side edge and little right or left arrows will appear. You can now go from one posting to the next or previous.

      • #194208
        Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

        Thanks for the thought, George. ‘Not now’ caused the pop-up to shrink; then I could move the pic up a bit and click on it. Much better, but much text to right which I could not turn off. I enjoyed it, though, so many thanks.

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