Strange cloud spotted!

Strange cloud spotted!

Forums Cloud Identification Help Strange cloud spotted!

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  • Author
    • #628974
      Marie Nicholls avatarMarie Nicholls

      Hi everyone, I spotted this very strange cloud yesterday! Any ideas? I think it’s more likely some sort of illusion than a specific cloud type. I’ve never looked up at the sky so much though and wondered what I’m seeing!IMG_1085

    • #629116
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Hello Marie, your strange cloud looks to me like a ragged lenticularis. What do you think? Is there any mountainous terrain nearby?

      • #629184
        Marie Nicholls avatarMarie Nicholls

        Hi Hans,

        Ahh I didn’t think of that, maybe that’s it! And yes there’s a ridge of hills  near by so that would make sense! It looked very peculiar…

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