Giant Snowballs in Gulf of Ob, north west Siberia, Russia

Giant Snowballs in Gulf of Ob, north west Siberia, Russia

Forums The Cloud Forum Giant Snowballs in Gulf of Ob, north west Siberia, Russia

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    • #180325
      Laurence Green avatarLaurence Green

      This really interesting news comes from the BBC News website about curious giant snowballs found on an 11 mile (17.7 Km) stretch of beach.

      The naturally formed snowballs vary in size from being the size of a tennis ball to almost 3′ (1 metre).

      Incredible!!!! Never known or seen anything like this!


    • #180402
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      Thanks for that, Laurence, fascinating. As for something like it, I am reminded of foamy ice pushing off a lake in USA a year or two back, even into houses. Anyone pin that down a bit, please?

    • #180536
      Laurence Green avatarLaurence Green

      Hello Hygge

    • #180538
      Laurence Green avatarLaurence Green

      Hello Hygge

      I think this maybe what you are referring to:-

      I certainly remember the matter, bizarre at that, of foaming ice creeping into houses in Minnesota, USA and also in Canada. Incredible what Nature does, eh?!?

      Best wishes.


    • #181005
      Laurence Green avatarLaurence Green

      Here is a further update on the curious giant snowballs occurring in Siberia:-


    • #181601
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      You got it, Laurence. Sadly I can not see the video images (apart from the initial still, I have a Windows 10 laptop problem) of Minnesota this time around, but I remember the voices. But the video in your post #181005 works fine (as do most videos in adverts).

      If anyone has any advice on my video problem which started back in the early summer, I would be delighted.

      Paul Simons, Weather Eye, The Times (UK), 8NOV2016 discusses the Siberian ice balls. He also gives a link to Glen Arbor on Lake Michigan 2013-2014:

      That link does not work for me but if you Google ‘glen arbor mi ice balls’ you will get a selection; very similar to Siberia.

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