Contrail Thread Volume V

Contrail Thread Volume V

Forums The Cloud Forum Contrail Thread Volume V

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    • #463658
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Contrail Thread Volume IV ended with a smoke signal. It must have been the sign to start a new volume. And it seems fun to start with the opposite of a contrail: a distrail. Here are two of them and you can see clearly why a distrail can be called a falllstreak hole too.

      2018-11 Wolken_0012-1


    • #463846
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Thanks for launch, Hans, and what a fun start to Volume V! I’ve just had a stroll through Vol IV to once again appreciate the wild ride and contrail contributions of our cloud colleagues. Your Smoke Signal was one of the best ever and we’ll be watching for more.

      IMG_8590_Bridge Over The River SkyBridge Over The River Sky

    • #463890
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona Contrail# 501


    • #464421
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, thanks for starting off a new volume, especially with Distrails.  Reminding me of a bird feather.

      Keelin,  I could certainly walk over your exciting bridge.

      Michael , I can see a profile of a man in 501 with a nice shirt collar.P1030652 (2)Coming Through, Please Move Over

    • #465165
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Great Bridge Over The River Sky, Keelin. Funny and clever title. Also a great contrail – in more than one way – in Arizona Contrail #501. All Coming Through like Ruth states.

      2020-11 Wolken (30)-1

      Let’s Go! We Have To Go Straight Into Its Mouth


    • #465191
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Michael, I can’t help but see the large head of a sketchy fellow contemplating a tiny drop of moon in #501. A wonderful composition.

      Ruth and Hans, it looks like you’ve caught the contrails on some kind of mission. This one below appears to have run into some interference.

      IMG_8802_Might Be Late Getting ThereMight Be Late Getting There

    • #466161

      I find contrails fascinating, especially when they have just formed and are unraveling from the plane engines!

    • #466486
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      I love ‘Might Be Late Getting There’ Keelin. The interference suggests a quite dramatic fate….

      Donatella: since contrails right from the plane’s engine fascinate you, I think you might like this one spotted a few days ago.

      2021-01 Wolken (153)-1


    • #466545
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      P1060807 (2)Just Some Guts

    • #466643
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      P1060811 (2)More Guts

    • #466644
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      P1060943 (2)Out Of Guts

    • #466809
      Gregory Venarsky avatarGregory Venarsky

      Love the series Ruth! Were those all of the same airplane contrail? And both of the closeups by Hans and Donatella, I find those fascinating but my camera does not have that kind of zoom capability. Love all the shots everyone! How many can you count in these two?(Both are taken side by side so there may be some overlapping)



      Streaks Across the Sky


    • #467005
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Gregory, Wow quite the friendly skies you have captured!  I am going to say 9 contrails.  I had some fun with my series of shots.  The first two where the same contrail and the third was a different day.  I find the contrails a unique man made sky decoration for us cloud seeking spotters.  Thanks too for liking my midwest sunset.  That was taken from my hotel window in Saint Louis a number of years ago.  But cloud pictures never age, isn’t that exceptional.

      • #467169
        Gregory Venarsky avatarGregory Venarsky

        St. Louis is right next to where I live!! That’s so cool Ruth!

    • #468743
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      IMG_2100  (55)

      Present And Past In One Being Two

    • #470317
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      P1070539 (2)Pink Works

    • #470826
      Gregory Venarsky avatarGregory Venarsky

      Another couple of shots with a ton of contrails!


    • #470840
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      2018-02 Luchten_0157 asr klein

      Pointillistic Contrail

    • #470960
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Lots of dramatic postings here from Donatella, Gregory, Hans; and Ruth, your gutsy trilogy was an especially funny series.

      Hans, Pointalistic Contrail reminds me of chalk art on sidewalks. Love the sense of rough texture in it. Below is another kind of sketchy line. And further down, a more distant view just a few moments later, showing the end of the line with a trio of nearby companions.

      IMG_9040_Sketchy Line

      IMG_9039_Trio_In the NeighborhoodIn the Neighborhood

    • #471283
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, Gregory and Keelin, who knew how diverse contrails can be.  Love everyone’s trails.P1070514 (2)Mending Some Socks

    • #471295
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Mending Some Socks needs a delicate needle and it also show some very nice delicate colors Ruth.

      The sketch lines that in ‘In The Neighborhood’ shows are marvelous Keelin. Did you realize these are three distrails and one contrail? That makes a contrail count of -2. We did not have that one before, so congrats with that one! Love it.

      2018-06 Wolken_0019-3

      Multiplying Trails

    • #471521
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Mending socks brings back memories, Ruth! My grandmother tried to teach me how to do it, but I never could get the darn(ing) hang of it. Made more cavums than were there to begin with. Love the wooly look of your photo nonetheless!

      What a rich coppery glow you’ve captured in Multiplying Trails, Hans! So beautiful. And thank you for the clarity on count of -2. I had not realized! :) Below is one more from the scene that unfolded.

      IMG_9030_Walked Right into ItWalked Right Into It

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Patricia L Keelin avatarKeelin.
    • #471566
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans and Keelin,  I really enjoy your captures.  Trails can look like reptiles at times.  Intriguing stuff in our sky. P1070516 (2)Coming In For A Landing

    • #472594
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      You’re so right, Ruth. No end to the intrigue when it comes to what’s up there. Below, a waxing crescent might appear to be coming in for a kind landing—or not!

      IMG_9182_The Moon's TrampolineThe Moon’s Trampoline

    • #472644
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Keelin, what fun for your moon.  Could be a tight rope too.P1070440 (2)Up In Smoke

    • #473573
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch



    • #473679
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael,  New Mexico looks busy.  Black and White was perfect for the picture.P1070530 (2)Feels Like Corduroy

    • #474825
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Keelin, I love Walked Right Into It and the Moon’s Trampoline is very funny. Up In Smoke or Down In The Mountains, Ruth? Very nice as is Your Feel Like Corduroy. And Albuqurque is indeed very busy Michael. Great B&W.

      2021-02 Wolken (27)-1

      Fanning Trail

    • #474930
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, great textures in your trail.  Love the angle.P1070450 (2)Not Sure Where To Land My Plane

    • #476045
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      An Early Start To The DayP1070502 (2)

    • #476931
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona Contrail#503


    • #477698
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Zorro must have been there Michael. A nice bridge between the two trails, as well.

      2021-02 Wolken (2)-1

      Difference In Scale


    • #478746
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, that Z tract is a way fun study.  Hans, Scale is ELEGANT.

      Flying The Friendly Sky ( with a mask )P1070760 (2)

    • #480433
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Race You HomeP1040007 (2)

    • #481590
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Looking For Lake Front PropertyP1010454 (2)

    • #482769
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Nice place for a lakefront property Ruth!

      2021-04 Wolken (97)-1

      Undecisive Pilot?

    • #482827
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans,  looking like some way cool figure eights.

      Me And My Shadow

      P1080230 (2)

    • #483389
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Nice shadow Ruth. The perspective is always a bit deceptive knowing that the shadow must be cast on a lower layer of cloud.

      Here is one that would have seriously alarmed the Crow (Keelin and Michael will understand). It shows disturbing acitvity of chimtrail. It must be the season.

      2021-04 Wolken (98)-1



    • #484263
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, a wild ride you captured.

      I Am Missing Somethings

      P1060682 (2)

    • #485332
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      A nice feathery contrail Ruth.

      I wonder wether next plane scribblings have been written with a feather.

      2021-04 Wolken (106)-1

    • #486013
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans,  very interesting contrail you found out there.  Almost snake like.

      Me And A Friend

      P1080452 (2)

    • #487006
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hiding OutP1040675 (2)

    • #487738
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Contrail DNAP1080650 (2)

    • #488634
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Finally catching up with this topic and Wow!, what a collection of trails and clever titles. Favorites: Michael’s Albuquerque and Z (mark of Zorro?); Hans’s Undecisive Pilot and Alarming lemniscates as well as that fabulous crow vortex instability; Ruth’s Race You Home and Me and My Shadow.

      Caught this one just before the music changed…

      IMG_9639_Dancing To The Beat Of A Different DrumDancing To The Beat Of A Different Drum

    • #489579
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Keelin, exciting looking contrail.  My guy has decided to

      Climb TreesP1080792 (2)

    • #489973

      Although this is not really a contrail, I did not know where to put this so I put it in here because it’s a cloud made by a plane :)


      The plane crossed a cloud then seemed to drag the cloud down with it making these nice condensation trails!


      Sorry for the poor quality

    • #489974

      Although this is not really a contrail, I did not know where to put this so I put it in here because it’s a cloud made by a plane :)


      The plane crossed a cloud then seemed to drag the cloud down with it making these nice condensation trails!


      Sorry for the poor quality

    • #490567
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      That is a great capture Donatella. A plane producing Wing tip vortices and wing clouds in which I see also some iridescence. Great quality in my opinion!

      Ruth your Contrail DNA is very clever.

      And Keelin, your As Soon As The Dust Settles is very funny and a great composition as well.

      2021-06 Charigny (155)-1

      Just After Launch

    • #491703
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, incredible colors in your Launch.  That is a thing of beauty.

      Chopper Checking Out ContrailP1090192 (2)

    • #493004
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Fanning OutP1090187 (2)

    • #494745
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Oh, shoot.  These are swans and not a contrail.  I’ll take the birds.P1010082 (2)

    • #496426
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Evening ShiftP1070504 (2)

    • #497075
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      I love your contrail of swans Ruth! It is an example of things that look like clouds. Ingenious.

      2018-06 Wolken_0063-2

      Criss Cross

    • #497474



      A contrail rainbow :)

    • #497590
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans,  Criss Cross is some amazing action in the sky.  Donatella, love that colorful streak.

      Taking The Red EyeP1000100 (2)

    • #498694
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Donatella your contrail rainbow is amazing. What do you think: is it iridescence or some other optical phenomenon?

      Taking the red eye is very subtle Ruth.

      2021-06 Charigny (126)-1


    • #499196
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans,  great looking threesome.

      P1000323 (2) Has Anyone Seen My Teeth

    • #499723
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      One Big NoodleP1000030 (2)

    • #501589
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Must Be Home Before CurfewP1090782 (2)

    • #505604
      Peter Roper avatarPeter Roper

      WhatsApp Image 2021-10-13 at 17.46.58

    • #505652
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Welcome Peter, nice shot. It seems that Ruth wants to be home before curfew and you just sat in the middle of it. Great sky to play noughts and crosses.

      2021-10 Wolken (47)-1

      Iridescent Contrail At Sunset

    • #506352
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Lots of exciting images have been shared here since I was last able to contribute to the topic. Love the variations! And funny how some contrails seem to do a clean line dance while others sway and swirl with wild abandon. Gorgeous golden color in your last one, Hans!

      I don’t see many trails here lately, but this morning, there was this small segment.

      IMG_0895_The Bottom LineThe Bottom Line

    • #506805
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, you keep presenting exceptional imagines.  Fills my heart.

      Keelin, your bottom line sounds like my check book with some erasing.

      Blending In

      P1000756 (2)

    • #508185
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Well HiddenP1100315 (2)

    • #509981
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Breaking UpP1090665 (2)

    • #512848
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      It’s A Bird and It’s A Plane ( no superman )P1000750 (2)

    • #513360
      Gregory Venarsky avatarGregory Venarsky

      Just got to catching up with this topic again! Fantastic titles from everyone!


      Cutting In

    • #514971
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      I love The Bottom Line, Keelin. Great composition. And Breaking up has great parallel shadows cast by the contrail, Ruth. Cutting is is a really peculiar contrail Gregory.

      2021-11 Wolken (58)-1


    • #515005
      Peter Roper avatarPeter Roper

      I think I could get quite hooked on this thread. Rather addictive! I’ve called mine “Short & sweet”!



    • #515047
      Peter Roper avatarPeter Roper

      Deep purple




    • #516963
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      A Clear ShotP1090524 (2)

    • #516974
      Duncan Bulman avatarDuncan Bulman

      Don’t you wish sometimes…?


    • #517754
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Welcome Peter, and I look out for more. I had to look good but it is there on Short and sweet and Deep Purple is rocking.

      Nice Clear Shot Ruth and Duncan you have some great sunsets with contrail.

      I zoom in and found this.

      2022-01 Wolken (38)-2

      Creepy Contrail

      • #517831
        Duncan Bulman avatarDuncan Bulman


        A dragon?

      • #517974
        Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

        Yes Duncan, a dragon, or an insect, or an elf flying upside down. Isn’t it a funny shape?

    • #517793
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans,  looking very prehistoric.  Way cool.  May be a safer way to fly.

      Taking an Evening FlightP1090670 (2)

    • #517964
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      2022-01 Wolken (34)-1

      It Snapped!

    • #517977
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Ruth, I like the fine parallels in your quiet composition in Taking An Evening Flight. Very nice!

      And Hans, you do see the most remarkable contrail displays! Love the whatever Creepy (or not!) creature you posted on the 7th. And here you go again with another amazing and amusing capture. Are you sure it snapped and isn’t actually two split-tongued friends looking for a celestial hookup?

      IMG_1298_Drawing The Line At SunsetDrawing The Line At Sunset

    • #518379
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Yes nice parallel line in your Taking The Evening Flight, Ruth, and also the right one throws its shadows.

      Thanks Keelin, and somehow I am not surprised that it must be you to see something very different in Snapped, like two split-tongued friends looking for a celestial hookup. Love it. Once seen ……

      And yes I captured a nice series of contrail. Here is another one from that same occasion.

      2022-01 Wolken (39)-1

      Circles In The Sky

      • #518388
        Duncan Bulman avatarDuncan Bulman

        Strange things happening in the sky above you.  Is something up there sculpting the vapour trails?

    • #518438
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Yes Duncan and here are even more examples. It is called Crow Vortex Instability. The vortices are caused by the wingtips of certain airplanes. When the atmospheric circumstances are favorable the planes make these fleeting short lived patterns of lasso’s and circular patterns. One must have the camera at hand and then you can see them develop from straight contrails via “barbed wire” to these funny circular patterns. They don’t last long.

      2022-01 Wolken (93)-1

      Barbed Wire

      2022-01 Wolken (85)-12022-01 Wolken (88)-1

      • #518455
        Duncan Bulman avatarDuncan Bulman

        Hans, I must have seen hundreds if not thousands of vapour trails but I’ve never seen anything as special as these.

    • #518594
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Keelin, I love Drawing The Line At Sunset. It has your signature.

      Duncan, I am sure you will spot some of these in the future. Wait for a day that is favorable for contrails and some of those are also favorable for CVI (Crow Vortex Instability).Next one is from my archive.

      2018-12 Wolken_0067-3

      Strange Maneuver

    • #518917
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, your last grouping of contrails are abstract and way fun imagines.  Your photos are a piece of art.

      Keelin, Drawing A Line is a beauty.  I like everything above the contrail.

      More Than A 12 Foot LadderP1070762 (2)

    • #519807
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Plane GlareP1100729 (2)

    • #520177
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      From A Pink AirplaneP1070529 (2)

    • #521239
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Hans, I remain in complete awe of your Crow Vortex images — so amazing! I have yet to see such wonders here, but I’ll keep looking.

      And Ruth, yours come in Pink! ;) Love the wide ladder, by the way.

      This one was barely there…IMG_1613_PinstripePinstripe


    • #521271
      Peter Roper avatarPeter Roper

      A chance meeting,

      good evening and good bye.


    • #522667
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      You captured a nice delicate Pinstripe, Keelin. Definitely there.

      Peter, should the two polite greeting planes have seen this latest cloud creature up there?

      2022-02 Wolken (34)-1

      Deep Sky Creature Looking For Prey

      • #522694
        Duncan Bulman avatarDuncan Bulman

        This reminds me of those mysterious creatures patrolling the deep oceans when caught in the lights of the submersible.

    • #522690
      Peter Roper avatarPeter Roper

      Wow, that looks spectacular. My guess is that you have a much longer telephoto than I.

      Overcast here today so flat grey nothingness, or a blank canvas for Keelin to dream away :)



    • #522706
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Yes a tele Peter, but it also has been cropped to zoom further in.

      And yes indeed Duncan, this one could have lurked somewhere in the deep see.

    • #522911
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Ah, Peter, you are so right about a blank canvas for dreaming and then the surprise of what we might see upon it. While I’ve never conjured anything as extraordinary as what Hans has captured and shared with us on this topic, I’m keeping my eyes on the skies ~~~ while my mind unfurls.

      IMG_5968_Heading Somewhere?Heading Somewhere?

    • #523021
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Wow, I love that one Keelin and its title as well! My mind unfurls too. It is a great spiraling piece of contrail, on its own and out in the blue…..

    • #524125
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      A Piece Of SalmonP1110022 (2)

    • #524396
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Looks delicious, Ruth ~~ and even more appetizing with that tiny dash of salt! Love the whole serving.

      And thank you for kind words, Hans. Here’s another recent surprise…


    • #524837
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      I agree with the words by Keelin, it is a great serving of a Piece Of Salmon, Ruth.

      Never seen a contrailbow before Keelin. Ingenious.

      2022-02 Wolken (36)-1

      A Meeting Of Different Styles

    • #525131
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      2022-02 Wolken (139)-1

      Following The Setting Sun

    • #525289
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, that orange is really something.  Keelin, a wild bow of your contrail.  Contrails seems to have their own language.

      Cleared For A Landing

      P1100991 (2)

    • #526777
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Cleared For A Landing has the bright look of a meteor, Ruth. A straight shot before winds have their capricious way with the trail.

      Or the sun colorizes it, as in your Following, Hans. What a hue! Meeting of Styles renewed my long longing to spot a CVI. And at last! Written across the sky above my own backyard… How many years ago did you introduce me to this calligraphic wonder?

      IMG_2019_Crow In The TreeCrow In The Tree

    • #526931
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Doesn’t seem right to start a new volume for the Contrail topic with this lark, so just tagging it on here. A new type of CVI?

      IMG_2075_Cloud Velcro InstabilityCloud Velcro Instability

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