Color Thread Volume XVI

Color Thread Volume XVI

Forums The Cloud Forum Color Thread Volume XVI

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    • #606479
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      It is a bit of a coincidence to have to start a new volume for the Color Thread. Unfortunately I missed a lot in the former Volume, but it is great to scroll through all the magnificent images. Here is one to start with in this 16th volume. Wow, the numbers are growing.

      2024-05 Wolken (7)-1


    • #606492
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, nice start to#16.  Delicate and soft.

      Pass the Mustard

      P1077989 (2)



    • #606736
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Mamma TimeP1077953 (2)

    • #606780
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Danke je, Hans, for the lovely launch of Volume 16. And Ruth, you found the gold and a motherlode of mamma!

      IMG_6822_Cloud White on a Blue Palette

      Cloud White on a Blue Palette

    • #607108
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      You all having some fun. Thanks Hans for the launch of Pastels!

      Arizona Color #161


    • #607437
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, great start to June.  Exciting stuff Hans, Keelin, and Michael.

      Top Hat

      P1077846 (2)

    • #607765
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona Color#162


    • #607877
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, refreshing #162.  Hope the heat your way is manageable.


      P1140699 (2)

    • #607936
      Paula Bailey avatarPaula Bailey

      We have had a cold spell here in the UK while the jetstream keeps the cooler air around us. It’s warmed up these past few days but the skies have continued to be crazy – what a great time to have joined the Cloud Appreciation Society! :D

      On my walk home from work today, some gorgeous cotton wool altocumulus (though some of the cloudlets were much smaller than my finger, I don’t think they were higher), and some fast moving fractus lower down.


    • #608351
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Paula, Nice blanket of altocumulus . I always have fun when the altocumulus  show up.. Ruth the upper sonoran desert has had 3 days of  threatening weather with rain making it to ground last nite and cooling things down a lot. A tropical depression over in the Gulf of Mexico is feeding  moisture in to the desert here..muggy..

      Arizona Color #163


    • #609141
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona Color #164


    • #609904
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona Color #165


    • #610575
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, nice photos as always.  We are in a heat wave.  Not many clouds to enjoy.

      Love the RainP1078273 (2)

    • #611304
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Paula, what a skyful you captured!

      Michael, #165 is just so gentle. I keep coming back to it for another breath of calm.

      Ruth, love your Love the Rain. So dramatic! Did you get wet?

      IMG_6375_Just Two Colors on the Palette Today

      Just Two Colors on the Palette Today

    • #611882
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Keelin, fortunately I didn’t get wet.  Watching weather at a distance has its advantages, plus running outdoors.  Two palettes are just enough color.

      Micael, #165 is one smooth image.

      Bam, more color out there.P1078290 (2)

    • #612628
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona Color #166


    • #612681
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Cotton CandyP1078031 (2)

    • #613162
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona Color# 167


    • #613521
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona Color #168


    • #613945
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, nice clouds up there.  Hope you are getting some cooler temps.

      Morning SnakeP1140265 (2)

    • #614188
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Nice shot Ruth!..Actually today was the first since back in May that it got below 90f for the low..Humidity is up causing much offense..

      Arizona Color#169


    • #615491
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, there is always room for pileus action.

      Action CloudP1040741 (2)

    • #615768
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Open the door and greet the day.P1078687 (2)

    • #616087
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Nice rise Ruth!

      Arizona Color# 170


    • #616228
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona Color#171


    • #616578
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, some nice deep purples #170 and #171.

      Raining down there somewhere.P1078273 (2)

    • #617557
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Nice shot with good detail in shadows Ruth! Yes Ruth, should be  grays not purples. Im using Apple desktop photo process which is bare minimum. Color saturation is a problem when going for grays because Apple uses color to achieve gray rather than a grey scale..apparently… Below is the final of the series and maybe the one I like best.

      Arizona Color #171


    • #618621
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, yep, I do like #171.

      Way up there.P1078826 (2)

    • #619725
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Nice colors Ruth!

      Arizona Color#172


    • #623068
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Arizona Color #172 has a Halloween feel, Michael. Love it. As I do love ‘Raining down there somewhere’, Ruth.

      2024-09 Charigny (10)-1


    • #624353
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Dripping is a cool capture Hans.  Reminds  me sparklers, smoke and all.

      Arizona Color#173


    • #624624
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Thanks Michael. You made a very subtle #173. Love it.

      2024-07 Charigny (64)-1



    • #624643
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, such fluffy stuff out there in Sticky.

      Michael, I would like to be underneath #172.  A big waterfall of sorts.

      Cotton CandyP1079398 (2)

    • #624804
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Barely any colors up there.P1079222 (2)

    • #625077
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      You all are having some fun!

      Arizona Color#174


    • #625654
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona Color#175


    • #627965
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      I love the golden colors in Cotton Candy, Ruth. Yes, we are having fun, Michael and seemingly you too. Love your last composition in white and a bit of blue (#175).

      2024-09 Charigny (34)-1
      Just Peculiar

    • #628268
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Thanks Hans. For me,peculiar is one of the  first aspects a cloud shot must have  before pulling the trigger. That makes things interesting and  your  shot of the wind blown cloud is interesting!

      Arizona Color#176



    • #628609
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Thanks too Michael. #176 seems to be one of your favorite layered ones. You are so right about peculiarity. Here is another ….

      2024-09 Charigny (41)-1


    • #628632
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, peculiar is spider like.  Delicate piece.

      Michael, nice subtle contracts in #176.

      Time for Eggs

      P1050205 (2)

    • #629134
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Nice lentcular cloudscape, Ruth.

      2024-09 Charigny (33)-1

      Parallel Structure

    • #629499
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, some bumps out there.

      Dirty VirgaP1079426 (2)

    • #630936
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Gloomy dirty virga, Ruth.

      2024-09 Charigny (12)-1

      Ice Crystals

    • #631222
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      So wish I had more time to post on forum topics, but alas! Be that as it may, I could not let this first day of the New Year pass without thanking all of you dear friends for the joy your images bring. Wishing you skies of surprise in various shapes and shades with the fairest of winds in your sails!

      IMG_7814_Ice Crystal Sailboat

      Ice Crystal Sailing Vessel


    • #631224
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      A series from this past November below taken from a couple of different angles. I noticed a similar photo on the Gallery back then by what must be a nearby neighbor. I like the thought of us both looking up to find this unusual cloud formation that spread quite far across the sky.

      IMG_7679_Half Fulll or Half Empty?

      Half Full or Half Empty?

      IMG_7677_Lacy Shawl
      Lacy Shawl

      IMG_7686_Lacy Tsunami

      Lacy Tsunami

    • #631250
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Thank you Patricia (or do you still prefer Keelin?) for your lovely poetic new year’s wish. I hope you will find every now and then some time to post on the Forum. I always look forward to your wonderful words. And …  your Ice Crystal Sailing Vessel is wonderfully fairy like. Half Full or Half Empty as well. With these posts you already contributed to the fulfillment of  you wish and I promise I will do my own attempts to do so too.

      Is it the beginning of a new year? Michael also starts poetic in the Asperitas thread. Check his last one. I love it.

      Here are the traditional Oliebollen with some powder sugar to start the new year with.

      2023-07 Charigny (11)-1

      Oliebollen Met Poedersuiker

    • #631372
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Very Nice Work there Keelin!. You saved the best one for last, imho. The tension is so cool.. We don’t see such well behaved cloud in the Valley. Below is  what we get  when we do get weather.

      Arizona Color#177


    • #631498
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Thank you Hans and Michael for kind comments — and the nice dusting of powder sugar!

      Taking a scroll through last year’s images above, so many beauties! Ruth, I can’t help but keep returning to your Cotton Candy and Raining down there somewhere. #165 and #172 by Michael and also Dripping and Parallel Structure by Hans are absolute favorites.

      On another day more recently, there was this sweep of Cirrus — and a bright spot…

      PS: And yes, Hans, still just Keelin is my prefence — thanks for asking. ;)

      IMG_7737_Bright Spot with Flare
      Bright Spot with Flare

    • #631850
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona Color#177


    • #631940
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Thank you too, Keelin. Great sweep of cirrus and Bright Spot With Flare! And then a delicate and subtle #177 by Michael.

      2024-07 Charigny (63)-1


    • #632289
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      OK gang, all your entries are terrific.  It is nice to see our group active and ready for this new year.  Never boring and all inspiring.

      Big Fingers P1120403 (2)

    • #632762
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      You’ve got a towering blue beauty in #177, Michael. Reminds me of recent news about a young surfer who rode a 108’ wave last month in Santa Cruz.

      And Hans, I love the icy edginess in Shattered, so perfectly titled.

      Ruth, I hope you had your running shoes on and escaped — although Big Fingers did make me laugh out loud.

      Anyone catch the Wolf Moon a couple nights ago?

      IMG_7870_Wolf Moon

      Wolf Moon

    • #633369
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Keelin, Was that the Moon that ate Mars?..or did that happen the next nite?..

      anyway, ..a Cloud Tickle

      Arizona Color#178


    • #633462
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Micheal, Yes! That was the Wolf Moon on that very night of the Mars munching. Another slightly different shot from that night was on the CAS Gallery, but slipped into their sunrise/sunset collection. I can see how that might happen as it was really such a yellow moon.

      The impressive balancing act in your #178 Cloud Tickle gave me a giggle.



    • #633691
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Keelin and Michael, very interesting photos.  When the moon shows up, I pay attention too.

      This one is for Hans, can’t miss a bird.

      Red Tail Hawk Looking For A MealP1079609 (2)



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