Cloudscapes Volume VIII

Cloudscapes Volume VIII

Forums The Cloud Forum Cloudscapes Volume VIII

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    • #589474
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hope I have started this new volume correctly.  Here goes #8, I love this thread myself.

      Caterpillar in the Sky


    • #589497
      Angela Swan avatarAngela Swan

      Love your caterpillar, Ruth. Here is a snail for a bit of company 😊 20231121_203844

    • #589593
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Thanks for a fun launch to Volume VIII, Ruth! Like your Caterpillar in the Sky, I can’t wait to see what emerges in this set. Also, congratulations on your shimmering crepuscular rays photo being chosen for Cloud of the Day (Nov 9, 2023) and Misty Morning in Montana on the gallery last month.

      And what a fine Snail you snagged there, Angela! It may take a while for it to cross the sky. Not because it’s necessarily a slow slider, but rather because the sky is SO BIG!

      1_IMG_5851_It's a Bird

      It’s a Bird!


      2_IMG_5834_It's a Plane

      It’s a Plane!

    • #589778
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Great start of this new volume with your caterpillar, Ruth. Also a very interesting cloud with these spikes. And a great snail by Angela.

      To continue Keelin’s  sequence:

      2023-05 Wolken (9)-1

      It’s a Bird!

    • #591297
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, double Pileus, wow.  Plus, birds and an airplane.

      Catching some LightP1140385 (2)

    • #591925
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Jumping Up and DownP1030310

    • #593070
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Catching some Light is a frosty beauty, Ruth.  And it’s back to you, Hans!

      IMG_5802_It's a Moon! It’s a Moon!

    • #594396
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Keelin, fine speck of a moon.

      Big Boy

      P1030055 (2)

    • #594592
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      May Be Velum?P1130855 (2)

    • #595053
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Sky Wall CoveringsP1140084 (2)

    • #595054
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Sky Wall CoveringsP1140084 (2)

    • #595067
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Sorry about the double photo.  Got too excited about hitting the submit button.

    • #597486
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Jumping For Cloud JoyP1120918 (2)

    • #597512
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona CloudScape


    • #597695
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      So much happening your skies there and there, Ruth and Michael.

      With current storms, we finally have more action here too…

      IMG_6299_Winking Owl

      Winking Owl

    • #597878
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, P1044078 (2)nice Cloudscape.

      Keelin, your owl is perfect.  One of my favorite birds to photograph, if they can stay still.

      Layered Cake

    • #597916
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Another Arizona Cloudscape


    • #598133
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      P1077666 (2)

      Looking West Last Evening


    • #598587
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Boy It Is Cold Out ThereP1140532 (2)

    • #599374
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Ruth that looks like snow..One thing about the Pineapple Monsoon here, is the rain is warm, coming up from the subtropics.

      Another Arizona Cloudscape


    • #599633
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, some clouds just look mean.

      Dancing on the MountainsP1022169 (2)

    • #599648
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Michael, Another Arizona Cloudscape (2/21) is simply luscious. And Ruth, I love the way you brave the COLD! to share your frosty fields with us. Stunning!

      IMG_5883_In the Mood for a Smoothie?

      In the Mood for a Smoothie?

    • #600203
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Keelin, great looking and likely tasty Smoothie.  Nice Gallery photo last Monday.  An exciting Cumulonimbus.

      Cotton PadsP1030492 (2)

    • #601110
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Quiet for BirdsP1030529 (2)

    • #601833
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      A Little Rain Must FallP1030750 (2)

    • #602028
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      A Hole in the SkyP1077809 (2)

    • #602541
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Ruth, I love the feeling of the big downpour in A Little Rain Must Fall.

      I suspect there would be some of that wet stuff in this one too. It looks as if someone had taken a pinking sheers to the top edge.

      IMG_5603_A Little More Rain

      A Little More Rain

    • #602542
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      This view is from the window seat en route home from a few weeks in Colorado. While caring for my sister post-surgery, we were both buoyed by the clouds both above our heads and by photos shared on the CAS’s pages, ever inspiring and good reminders to keep looking up. ;)

      IMG_6642_Above the Rockies

      Above the Rockies

    • #603200
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Keelin, nice view from above.  That is probably the best thing about flying.

      Cloud spotting:  The Best Simple PleasureP1077739 (2)

    • #603401
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Oh so true, Ruth — cloud spotting is the best. Free and freeing!

      IMG_4971_Above and Below

      Above and Below

    • #604567
      Paula Bailey avatarPaula Bailey

      Vertical cloudscape from me. Yesterday’s and today’s skies have been very busy in the afternoons with all sorts of nonsense going on. This morning we were under the mood of the nimbostratus but this afternoon everything else came out to dance again.

      Portsmouth, UK, looking towards The Solent, a body of water between us and the Isle of Wight (beyond which is the English Channel / La Manche). I think that cumulus congestus in the distance is building over the water.

      Lots more isolated cirrus behind me, and those cloudlets at the top were smaller than my outstretched pinky so I’m calling cirrocumulus.


    • #604620
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona Cloudscape


    • #604679
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Paula, so nice to see your big cloud grouping.

      Michael, a gang of mamma!

      Almost Missed These Guys P1140647 (2)

    • #605172
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      A PLUS Size CloudP1030009 (2)

    • #605435
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona Cloudscape


    • #605457
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, great Cloudscape.

      Rack’m Stack’mP1077793 (2)

    • #605756
      Paula Bailey avatarPaula Bailey

      I’ve been away for a week at a music festival. We had unsettled weather and therefore some wonderful skies. We arrived under a nimbo stratus and from the following day onwards it was just a few showers of varying duration. It remained quite warm with a few windy spells at ground level, and we heard distant thunder but it didn’t reach us.

      I’ve made a whole album for them (over 50 photos) and as a new cloudspotter I was absolutely delighted with the variety. Lots of amazing cumulus congestus and so many varieties of cirrus that I’m going to have to make a spreadsheet so I can work them all out! I was even treated to a very faint sundog and some lower level virga.

      I have two more festivals this summer, but I’m not sure they’re going to come close to this one for clouds.

      2024-05-25 17 15 03pm

    • #605758
      Paula Bailey avatarPaula Bailey

      The following day there was this. I’ve seen loads of sundogs in my life but never photographed them. This was taken around 6.30pm (I’m in the UK by the way). One little sundog, cirrus having a huge party in the background, and some incredible cumulus congestus that you can just see behind the trees, bottom left. They were incredible but even my full photo of them (in the album) does not do them justice. What I could see with my eyes was stunning, but zooming in on my mobile phone just flattened the scene. It was like a city carved into a mountain.

      2024-05-26 20 this one

    • #606426
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Paula, so nice to see your photos.

      Lewis and Clark TerritoryP1030916 (2)

    • #606448
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Paula ,it is good to see you having so much fun with clouds! Nice shot Ruth!

      Arizona Cloudscape


    • #606781
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Michael, love the layered scene you shared on May 26. And Ruth, that is one formidable cloud in PLUS Size! Splendid cirrocumulus you captured, Paula.



    • #607161
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Keelin, maybe even bed head.  Very cool photo my friend.

      Day DreamP1140710 (2)ing

    • #607899
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Another Arizona Cloudscape


    • #607959
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, nice cloudscape.  Like an open window.

      Lake Front PropertyP1078148 (2)

    • #608455
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Steps Up To The SkyP1140659 (2)

    • #609932
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Down the Runway. P1078573 (2)

    • #611303
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Thanks, Ruth. You found the perfect spot for Daydreaming — that is if you can close your eyes to the skies even for a moment!

      Michael, that is one beckoning view to the blue.

      IMG_5889_All Out of Medium

      All Out of Medium

    • #612124
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Keelin, lovely textures you spotted.

      Splash of PinkP1078511 (2)

    • #613603
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Fingers in the skyP1078530 (2)

    • #613845
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Where Cattle RoamP1020881 (2)

    • #614016
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson


    • #616296
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Robert, wonderful sky you captured.

      Clouds on the move.P1078749 (2)

    • #616426
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Nice Big Sky there Ruth!

      Another Arizona Cloudscape


    • #617071
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, you have some ripples.

      Taking up space with maybe some asperitas sneaking in the photo.  P1120245 (2)

    • #618790
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      A mixed bag.P1040861

    • #619751
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson

      Raining light

      IMG_5267 (2a)

    • #620640
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Robert, nice delicate rain dropping down.

      Hanging out with friends.P1140895 (2)

    • #622765
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Facing East PXL_20241024_145306469~2</p>

    • #622766
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Facing East. PXL_20241024_145306469~2

      • This reply was modified 5 months ago by Ruth Quist avatarRUTH QUIST.
    • #622769
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      New phone for me with photos.  Apologies for sending out two copies.  Looking like a big learning curve.  But I do like this morning photo of the Mission Mountain Range.  Stratocumulus has got to be my favorite of the main cloud groups.

    • #623386
      Gregory Venarsky avatarGregory Venarsky

      Wavy clouds near to a supercell on Illinois taken this past June.


      Stormy Waves

    • #623390
      Gregory Venarsky avatarGregory Venarsky


      Still might be one of my favorite photos ever taken. The clouds, the water, and the light make this the luckiest shot I have ever had the pleasure of taking.

    • #623553
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      WOW ~ Ruth, Michael, Robert, Greg! Such amazing and beautiful images here. So grateful for all the sharing of your skies and eyes.

      IMG_7431_A Change in the Weather

      A Change in the Weather


    • #623803
      Gregory Venarsky avatarGregory Venarsky


      Lovely sky you’ve got there Keelin. I always love a good change in the weather. These photos were quite the abrupt change in the weather. Once again, I happened to take these while storm chasing. And yes, the sky was that blue from all the hail!

      My apologies for posting 3 in the same post, I know that’s not what is usually done, but I just had to share all 3 photos at once.

    • #624300
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Great wide views over over the mountains, fields, waters and sky in this thread. Love the blues in your impressive shelf clouds Greg. Here is one with blues of a different nature.

      2024-09 Lot (92)-1

      Blue Hour

    • #624357
      Gregory Venarsky avatarGregory Venarsky

      I personally have always loved the blue hour myself Hans. Both types, that is. Something not so blue here, and not something you see every day, but fascinating, nonetheless. A mini banner cloud of all things, about 20 feet from me.



    • #625592
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Gregory, very exciting clouds you have captured.  I am thinking you may have needed rain gear.

      Hans and Keelin, always nice to see you on these pages.


      Vast Sky

      P1079339 (2)

    • #625912
      Roger Stone avatarRoger Stone

      Cloud enthusiasts might like to view Matt and Amy on Florence, sailing around Britain, and in the latest vlog visiting St Kilda. At about 25:00 to 30:00 there is film of sea-cloud rolling in across the island at sea-level and ground-level in a way I don’t think I’ve ever seen. You Tube link is here: .

    • #627269
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Roger, thanks for sharing that link.  I felt seasick with all those waves.

      Calm Sky for the dinner hour.P1077990 (2)

    • #628300
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson

      Threads everywhere. Cirrus but what variety?


    • #628445
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson

      Luminous lenticular

      IMG_1866 (2a)

    • #628507
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Robert, fantastic lighting with your lentils.

      Just CalmingP1050537 (2)

    • #628577
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Ruth your Calm Sky for the dinner hour makes hungry for more.

      Great skies Robert. With the image before your lenticular hamburger (love it) you asked: Cirrus but what variety? I give it a try. I think you spotted Cirrus vertebratus. They stretch from left to right. There is also one diagonal line almost perpendicular to the lines of vertebratus. It has the features of a fallstreak hole (or distrail?).
      Are there any other opinions?

      2024-05 Wolken (35)-1

      The sun has just set

    • #629498
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, I am coming to appreciate the magic of the blue hour.  I was always thinking there was something wrong with my camera.

      A Blue Morning – in a swing P1079414 (2)

    • #629993
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      A Wide LoadP1077817 (2)

    • #630426
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Not yet WinterP1050045 (2)

    • #631176
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      A Cold Winters NightP1055335 (2)

    • #631192
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson

      Ruth, love the lake and clouds. Here’s another near sunset.


    • #631273
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Ruth, Great you have begun to like the blue hour. Nothing wrong with your camera for sure. Your “A Blue Morning – in a swing” is a perfect proof of that. Wonderful blues!

      There is great symmetry is your last one Robert. Lakes and clouds do well together

      I hope you like the next one with birds, Ruth.

      2024-01 Wolken (3)-1

      Wait for us!

    • #631320
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Robert, you caught some great cloud-water too.  I really like the reflection element.

      Hans, I love the birds.  Looks like those may be geese on the move.

      A Thinking Cap – hoping so.

      P1050559 (2)

    • #631499
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Wow ~ stunning blues above from all of you above! Room for more?

      IMG_7430_Reaching for the MoonReaching for the Moon


    • #631692
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Keelin, you caught the moody blues.

      A Stuffed MushroomP1020118 (2)

    • #632144
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      That is one wild shroom, Ruth. Might have a bit of magic in it.

      It looks like the perfect solution was found in the branches below…IMG_7842_When the Sky Gets an ItchWhat Else Can the Sky Do When It’s Got a Great Big itch?

    • #632437
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Keelin, I hate itches.  I have an idea, how about a:

      Big Splash

      P1033148 (2)

    • #632478
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      I see a hummingbird trying to defend its feeder from a woodpecker that has figured out the feeder.. outside my dining room window almost everyday. Now Im seeing them in the sky…and Ruth..ya bent the axle on that one..

      ..and yet another Arizona cloudscape..


    • #632903
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, I love hummingbirds.  We start to see them early May.  Guess I have to wait a few months.

      Expecting some Artic cold this weekend.P1050645 (2)

    • #633000
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      One Duck In A PondP1040224 (2)

    • #633148
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Outer SpaceP1033753 (2)

    • #633463
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Beautiful cascade, Michael, in your Arizona cloudscape.

      Love your winter vistas, Ruth. Hope you’re bundled up there! I’ve been meaning to say your Sunrise with Early Morning Fog over Mission Mountain Range (on the Gallery last month) still wows me. I keep revisiting it to feel the serenity.

      Cool blue skies here these past couple of days. Had to look back to December archives to find this scene.

      IMG_7712_Wiinter Weather
      Last Month’s Show


    • #634068
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson

      Early sun


    • #634435
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson

      A loooong lenticular


    • #634436
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson

      The larger cloudscape


    • #634453


      I’m back after a few years of inactivity :)


      Here is a cloudscape over Western France

    • #634533
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      I saw your shot through the clouds in the Gallery Donatella. You are having a great return!

      Another Arizona Cloudscape


    • #634558

      Thank you Michael!

      And a very nice Arizona Cloudscape, the perspective is very interesting.

      Here is a French winter sunrise


    • #635063
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson

      Very cool to see s soft sunrise from France, Donatella.

      2:30 and 4:30 p.m., January 23. In the Pacific Northwest, Washington, we can go for days without the clouds changing at all. Then a front can move in and the clouds change minute by minute!



    • #635066
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson

      Half moon with a 28mm wide angle lens and maybe ragged cirrocumulus clouds? I’m still not very confident with ID. These appear more broken and ragged than other photos of cirrocumulus.


    • #635067
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson

      More of the ragged clouds


    • #635265
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Robert and Donatella, wow guys, some fabulous clouds you have shared.  This thread is one of my favorites.

      Rays and RainP1078236 (2)

    • #635575
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson

      A nice combination, Ruth. Big puffball cumulus and maybe some virga.

      0W0A4146 (3b)

    • #635577
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson

      Iridescence? A nice lenticular cloud complex just after sunset.

      0W0A2463 (2a2)

    • #635751
      Robert Pearson avatarRobert Pearson

      A dramatic cloudscape

      IMG_1707 (2)p2a

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