Clouds-that-look-like-things Volume VI
Forums › The Cloud Forum › Clouds-that-look-like-things Volume VI
- This topic has 99 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 11 months, 4 weeks ago by
Patricia L Keelin.
June 2, 2022 at 11:52 am #535729
Hans Stocker
ParticipantVolume V has reached the magical threshold of 100 posts. Already 5 volumes of marvelous look-alikes. It is great fun to share our own pareidolia in marvelous look-alikes.
Volume V ends with What The Cat Brought In by Keelin. One can guess (or better: check he former volume, which is fun to scroll through). The cat herunder will come up with bigger prey I suppose.
Beware Of The Tiger -
June 3, 2022 at 12:03 am #535813
Ruth Quist
ParticipantHans, thanks for resetting us to Volume VI. That is mighty nice tiger.
Dog After His Ball
June 7, 2022 at 3:12 pm #536313
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThanks for a playful start to Volume VI, Hans and Ruth!
Continuing the action above…
Furry Paw Lands With A Splash
June 20, 2022 at 3:01 pm #537598
Ariel Kotker
Participanthello fellow cloud lovers, i’m new here, 59,011
thought i’d share with you this heartening heart that appeared outside my window on almost the last day of december, 2017. a welcome sight at the tag end of a tough year
June 26, 2022 at 11:46 pm #538197
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantA warm welcome to you, Arielko! You’ve a lovely heart there. And thank you for sharing it here. ;) Hope you’ll continue to join us on the CAS forum.
In the photo below, what first caught my eye was the 22˚ halo. But later, when I viewed the image on computer, the loosely-shaped heart cloud morphed into a little dog’s head and the wispy bit of cloud to the right became his wagging tale. Ah, the fun and fantasy of pareidolia!
Waiting For A Sundog To Come Out To Play
June 28, 2022 at 11:25 am #538359
Hans Stocker
ParticipantWelcome Arielko. you posted a great heartwarming heart. A great halo, Keelin. The sundog where you are waiting for might have run to a different thread. And I love your Furry Paws Land With A Splash. Are they from the Dog After His Ball by Ruth?
Sky Spider
July 2, 2022 at 4:52 pm #538901
Ariel Kotker
Participantthank you keelin and hans! i’m very glad to be here.
keelin, that’s a lovely heart.. don’t you love finding things in the photos after the fact? some of my favorite photos are bumblebee or bird-bombed. and finding a cloud heart when you thought you only had a halo… That’s pretty darn nice.
July 11, 2022 at 6:12 pm #539792
Ruth Quist
ParticipantHans, very big spider you found out there and Keelin I hope your sundog shows up. A heart filled welcome Arielko.
Dog On Mamma Pillow
July 13, 2022 at 2:08 pm #540059
Ariel Kotker
Participantwhat a comfortable dog bed, ruth! and thank you for your welcome. here’s another heart, one can never have enough
July 18, 2022 at 1:28 am #540577
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantEven an arachnophobe would find your Sky Spider something of a marvel not to be feared, Hans. And to be followed by another big heart from Arielko, well, that’s love for you! And Ruth, when your dog is ready to abandoned that comfy pillow, perhaps he’d like to go for a car ride with his head out the window?
Oh Boy! A Car Ride!
July 19, 2022 at 9:27 am #540873
Hans Stocker
Participanti love to to see and read all these heartwarming things above: Dog on a mamma pillow (there is no better place to be found) by Ruth, another true Heart from arielko and Oh Boy! A Car Ride! Great fun with all this hair in the wind, Keelin. You must know I just did a ride with my hairy fellow to the cool beach early in the morning to avoid the heat on what is going to be a dog day, or in French une canicule. Don’t know why they call it a dog day or canicule (canis is Latin for dog), since she certainly does not like the heat. But she loves the beach anyway.
Like A Bird On A Wire
July 19, 2022 at 11:52 am #540903
Duncan Bulman
Dog days are the hottest period of the year, the period between early July and early September, when Sirius, the so-called Dog Star, rises and sets with the sun.
From Wikipedia:
The dog days or dog days of summer are the hot, sultry days of summer. They were historically the period following the heliacal rising of the star system Sirius (known colloquially as the “Dog Star”), which Hellenistic astrology connected with heat, drought, sudden thunderstorms, lethargy, fever, mad dogs, and bad luck. They are now taken to be the hottest, most uncomfortable part of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
There was also a movie entitled, “Dog Day Afternoon” which was about a bank robbery gone wrong, probably the title comes from the bad luck element.
July 20, 2022 at 4:46 pm #541097
Ariel Kotker
Participantkeelin, that dog is clearly having the time of its life! It really is evocative, I can almost feel dog drool coming in through the back window of the car :)
and hans, i hope you and your friend were able to stay as cool as possible. It really is, as Duncan has said, most uncomfortable.. If only we could be like that bird on a wire, and just take flight in the cool breezespeaking of dogs, just this morning I spotted a passing dachshund straining on its leash
July 23, 2022 at 8:39 pm #541456
Ruth Quist
ParticipantHans and Keelin, you two are so fun! Birds and car rides. So expressive.
Arielko, you have caught on to this humor too. Dog on leash.
That Darn Billy On The Run
July 28, 2022 at 1:33 pm #542234
Hans Stocker
ParticipantYes a dDo Day Afternoon Duncan. A classic one.
Love your Daschhund Ruth and of course that darn Billy. He is in our hearts.
Billy is goat and it isn’t him on next one for it lacks his horns, but he sure earns a …
July 28, 2022 at 6:40 pm #542253
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantLots of fun to enjoy here…
What a clever blue dog you have there, Arielko!
And gotta love that wild Billy and his great goat coat, Ruth and Hans!
This looks like someone who might be sharing the sea of sky pasture with our friend there.
Billy’s Budd
August 1, 2022 at 1:55 pm #542612
Hans Stocker
ParticipantHoly cow, that’s quite a Budd for Billy, Keelin:)
August 7, 2022 at 1:16 am #543256
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantI think your Squirrel might have landed on my head while I was giving myself a haircut, Hans. At least that’s the excuse I’ve been using.
My Covid Coif
August 12, 2022 at 5:50 pm #543798
Ruth Quist
ParticipantKeelin, beauty of a hairdo. No hat required.
Hans, your squirrel might need some sunflower seeds.
Nice Big Jellyfish
August 13, 2022 at 11:06 pm #543912
Ariel Kotker
Participanta giant poodle for you wonderful people. so many good animals (and then some) here!
August 14, 2022 at 6:12 pm #543973
Ruth Quist
ParticipantAdding some laughing horses to this animal farm. PS nice poodle Ariel.
August 19, 2022 at 11:31 pm #544554
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantLove the diversity of this cloud forum farm. Shall we add one more to the mix?
Feathered Friend
August 21, 2022 at 9:10 pm #544720
Ruth Quist
ParticipantKeelin, or fury. That maybe a llama to add to the farm. Way fun shot.
Barn Owl for the Farm
August 22, 2022 at 12:28 am #544730
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantBeautiful Owl, Ruth! And here’s one more for the barnyard. She needs just a few more clouds to really complete the picture, but I’m sure you’ll get the idea…
Hunt And Peck For A Few More Feathers
September 21, 2022 at 11:49 pm #548502
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantOne might be inclined to ask…
What’s the Big Idea?
September 26, 2022 at 10:18 pm #548866
Ruth Quist
ParticipantKeelin, I am on the watch for you for more feathers.
Dog Playing Ball
September 27, 2022 at 2:22 am #548881
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantJust what you need for your frisky friend there, Ruth!
Ball Tosser
October 1, 2022 at 6:41 pm #549270
Ariel Kotker
Participanti can almost hear the din of many animal voices!
keelin, your feathered friend is fantastic! and ruth, i think this guy wants to join your dog playing ball…
smiling muscle dog
October 30, 2022 at 1:26 am #553026
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThanks, Ariel! Your smiling muscle dog even sports some iridescence. Bow Wow!
Here’s another little pal for the playful pooches.
Fluffy Pup with Ears Aflying
October 30, 2022 at 1:31 am #553028
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantWhat follows is a little 4-part series in preparation for a Night of Beastly Bewitchment! These cloud creatures and characters were caught hovering just out of reach over the past several months. Can you spot the demons and spirits? Happy Halloween to all—and to all a B00! night!
Something Winged This Way Comes
Warlock on a Broomstick
October 30, 2022 at 1:33 am #553029
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantPART 2
October 30, 2022 at 1:35 am #553030
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantPART 3
Bat of White and Crow of Black
And this looked like a scene from the Wizard of Oz with Toto barking at the Wicked Witch of the West’s flying acolytes and poor Scarecrow (“That’s him all over,” as the Tin Man noted after they’d been attacked.
And Toto Too
October 30, 2022 at 1:42 am #553024
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThanks, Ariel! Your smiling muscle dog even sports some iridescence. Bow Wow!
Here’s another little pal for the playful pooches.
Fluffy Pup with Ears Aflying
October 30, 2022 at 1:43 am #553032
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantPART 4
The two final clouds in the Halloween series might pose a little more challenge for those less blessed (or cursed?) with unrestrained pareidolia, so further below are outlines that reveal the characters within.Demoness & companion
Wizard’s Watch
October 31, 2022 at 8:55 pm #553234
Duncan Bulman
ParticipantAs if to celebrate Samhain (sah-win) a dragon breaths fire into the Autumn sky.
November 5, 2022 at 11:33 am #553612
Hans Stocker
ParticipantI’ve been away for far too long but I didn’t miss following the fun above. Keelin your ‘Demonesse and companion’ and your ‘Wizard watch’ are marvelous. I love the Wizard watch, but I must confess that your drawing made it perfectly clear. Once seen….. Halloween has truly inspired you. Hungry? is simply terrifying. I am glad it are all clouds.
Duncan your dragon at sunset seems to bite its own tail.
Next one flew over on Cloud Celebration Day and it is in color on the Cloud Memory Atlas.
It’s Not Dead, It’s A Parrot
November 5, 2022 at 3:41 pm #553637
Duncan Bulman
ParticipantHans, I’m seeing the Phoenix bird. The symbol of rebirth.
November 5, 2022 at 4:11 pm #553640
Hans Stocker
ParticipantThanks Duncan. A nice golden Phoenix. It reminds me of an old one on the gallery:
Phoenix with one wing on fire yet
The description on the gallery is not correct by the way. It says it shows a circumhorzon arc, but that was impossible at the time of year I took it. It was the lower part of 22 degrees halo. About the phoenix there is no mistake at all.
November 5, 2022 at 5:03 pm #553645
Ruth Quist
ParticipantWhat creative energy everyone has. Wonderful pictures, captions., and stories. I wanted everyone to know:
Someone Is Watching
November 11, 2022 at 1:59 am #554175
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantDuncan, now that is a dragon worthy of Samhain!
And Hans, you have been missed! Delighted to see you flying in on your Parrot (which seasonal influence has morphed before my very eyes into yet another flying dragon). So glad you enjoyed the Halloween series. May the Wizard watch over you with care!
Ruth, you’ve caught that Someone in the very act. Love it!
Wooly Friend of Billy In A High Wind
December 28, 2022 at 5:59 pm #560047
Gregory Venarsky
ParticipantHello everyone!
This is one of my favorite captures. It is of a double horseshoe vortex cloud!
I hope you enjoy!
Invisible Horse
January 1, 2023 at 1:07 am #560415
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantDouble lucky, Gregory!!
Chilly weather is no problem for this fellow…
Frosty Foxy
January 7, 2023 at 8:04 pm #561279
Mark McClelland
ParticipantHis eyes are upon you.
Demon face with burning eyes.
January 11, 2023 at 6:16 pm #561568
Ruth Quist
ParticipantMark, yes on those big glowing eyes.
A Big Question Mark
January 14, 2023 at 1:59 am #561884
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantBrilliant shot, Mark! Hot and cool at the same time. ;)
Big Question Mark makes me wonder what might have preceded it, Ruth. Love the mystery you’ve captured in a single punctuation mark!
Here’s another bit of sky text in the form of a fuzzy tilde. Or perhaps it’s more recognizable as a cloud caterpillar beneath a crescent moon?
Fuzzy Tilde or Caterpillar and Crescent Moon?
January 21, 2023 at 7:09 pm #562633
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantDragon in Heated Conversation with Tinker Bell
January 25, 2023 at 6:23 am #562980
Ayaan Gupta
ParticipantHere is my first picture. I am new to the society. Hope you like it.
January 25, 2023 at 4:12 pm #563034
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantA warm welcome to CAS and the forum, Ayaan. Your photo of a whale sailing serenely through a bright sea of sky is lovely.
This “looks-like” topic is definitely a playful one, although other topics (especially Black and White) offer occasional good teases for the imagination as well. For those of us with a strong sense of pareidolia, it’s always fun to see what sails by in the great blue menagerie above our noggins. Hope to see more of what you see in the days to come!
Blue Crane Blowing a Bubble
February 2, 2023 at 10:23 pm #564088
Hans Stocker
ParticipantKeelin, you made me laugh several times. First with the hilarious Dragon in Heated Conversation with Tinker Bell and then with Blue Crane Blowing a Bubble. It sure is a strange menagerie high up. Love it. And I also have to mention an older post with a Wooly Friend of Billy In A High Wind. I hope to see Billy himself pop up once again. He may hide but he can’t escape our pareidolic eyes.
And welcome Ayaan in this playful thread. You make a great entrance with your Whale.
I don’t remember having used already a different version of next one in the B&W thread, but here it is…
Holy Cow
February 4, 2023 at 1:16 am #564176
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantHoly Cow is too hilarious, Hans! I’m still laughing here and also so delighted that you enjoyed the earlier images. There is definitely mirth a plenty to be shared in this topic.
I think I heard this happy heifer recently…
February 7, 2023 at 11:21 pm #564570
Ruth Quist
ParticipantHans and Keelin, terrific captures and fun titles. Are you guys on any meds you can tell me about?
The Year Of The Rabbit
February 19, 2023 at 2:10 am #565613
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantNo meds required, Ruth, as I’m sure you know! ;) Looks like you caught your white rabbit as he was in a hurry. Might he have been late for an important date? Perhaps sitting for a portrait?
Blue Bunny
March 2, 2023 at 2:04 am #566698
Patricia L Keelin
Achoo! -
March 3, 2023 at 10:13 pm #566841
Ruth Quist
ParticipantKeelin, nice sneeze and Blue Bunny in our stores is in the ice cream section.
Hans, Holy Cow is definitely holey. I guess that is a word.
Hound Dog On The Scent
March 8, 2023 at 6:23 pm #567196
Ruth Quist
ParticipantSteer Head Wall Mount
March 9, 2023 at 10:14 am #567236
Robert Pearson
ParticipantSpirit in the sky
March 13, 2023 at 1:11 am #567560
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantLove your Hound Dog, Ruth. Can’t wait to see what he sniffs out up there.
And what a mesmerizing scene, Robert. Wow!
I must have been standing on my head when this swam by…
March 24, 2023 at 6:08 am #568302
Robert Pearson
ParticipantThe Scream
March 31, 2023 at 5:14 pm #569163
Ruth Quist
ParticipantRobert, a big wow on your scream. Great colors in there too.
Keelin, first off lovely photo on the gallery this week. Jelly fish has everything going. Super colors.
Return Of Billy
April 2, 2023 at 11:33 pm #569357
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantRobert, your Scream is fantastic! And those wiggly dark clouds alongside it add to its impact.
Thanks, Ruth. Always a delight, as you well know, to be able to share even further via the Gallery. And what a treat to see Billy still up to mischief, this time over your skies there. Never know where that little goat will show up next.
Meanwhile, two dogs and a very tiny crescent moon appeared in the clouds below. It’s fun to see one pup, then the other, jump out each time I look at the photo. There’s a third dog and even a bit of Billy, if one spends a bit more time agaze, but they don’t appear (at least to my eye) as obvious as the two outlined further below.
Two Pups & crescent moon” />
>Two Pups
Two Pups & crescent moon_OUTLINED” />
April 22, 2023 at 8:58 pm #570886
Ruth Quist
ParticipantKeelin, boy those dogs have been out lately. It must be spring fever.
Fat Dog
May 6, 2023 at 5:32 pm #572336
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantIndeed, Ruth. A sassy, splashy season!
Duckies Landing on the Lake
May 7, 2023 at 6:27 pm #572448
Ruth Quist
ParticipantKeelin, love ducks. Nice refreshing photo.
Moose On The Loose
May 8, 2023 at 4:08 pm #572510
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantMarvelous Moose, Ruth!
Just for fun, I flipped the birds and found this faerie hoping to make it home before her wings fall off.
It’s Been a Long Day
May 15, 2023 at 5:44 pm #573133
Ruth Quist
ParticipantKeelin, wow faeries in the sky. I would imagine they could be fun up there.
Now A Pronghorn
May 20, 2023 at 4:52 pm #573560
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantYour Pronghorn looks to be enjoying a nice swim across the sky, Ruth.
Below, is that a dog trying to outrun a different kind of water experience?
Dog Dash Outta the Bath
May 31, 2023 at 11:55 am #574404
Robert Pearson
ParticipantAnd it’s hungry! Maybe this is chasing Keelin’s dog…
May 31, 2023 at 11:57 am #574405
Robert Pearson
ParticipantHot air balloons
June 3, 2023 at 12:58 am #574659
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantRobert, I doubt those lovely hot air balloons would satisfy the fellow in your previous photo. The little smear of iridescence on his cheek makes me suspect he might have just indulged in a rainbow, which although colorful, probably couldn’t be very filling. He is, nevertheless, quite a wonderful character.
Here’s someone else with an insatiable appetite…
Still Hungry
June 7, 2023 at 7:49 pm #575044
Ruth Quist
ParticipantRobert and Keelin, Exciting photos. Ballons and faces in the sky. Dogs in water and possibly a shark!
Adding An Elephant Who Has Much To Say
June 8, 2023 at 11:00 am #575071
Hans Stocker
ParticipantI love your surprising Yellyfish Keelin. It is so funny that Ruth found Billy and he is even playing with one of your pups Keelin. I love the funny looking hungry fellow by Robert too. So much fun in this thread!
You might think next one belongs in the thread for optical phenomena, but it might be as well a very different phenomenon.
Caspar The Friendly Ghost
June 14, 2023 at 3:24 am #575502
Ayaan Gupta
ParticipantA whale:
June 15, 2023 at 9:46 pm #575614
Ruth Quist
ParticipantHans, love your Casper the friendly ghost.
Ayaan, yep, a big whale in the sky. Keep them coming.
Barken Dog
June 17, 2023 at 10:37 pm #575750
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantAll the big ones show up here, don’t they? Elephants and Whales amid the endless parade of playful pups. And Hans, it looks like your Casper is definitely friendly—and kind enough to share some of his iridescence with guess who.
Why, if it isn’t our old, sky-romping friend…
June 20, 2023 at 8:06 pm #576010
Hans Stocker
ParticipantA nice whale by Ayaan, and a barking dog by Ruth. Is that because he saw Billy coming? Well spotted, Keelin. Good old Billy, this close! Love it.
Lady Feeding The Birds
June 30, 2023 at 5:05 pm #576709
Ruth Quist
ParticipantThis is where we really get to use our imaginations. Cool lady with the birds Hans. Keelin found the old goat!
Teenager Blowing Smoke
July 8, 2023 at 1:07 am #577313
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantIndeed, this topic is wonder-fully fun. I love that aha! moment when an image clicks into alignment with the title offered. Lady Feeding The Birds and Teenager Blowing Smoke are both so clever, Hans and Ruth.
Here is one that followed the photo I posted to the Optical Phenomenon topic. Same sky—and could be the same story.
…And Then A Moose Came Running
July 25, 2023 at 4:58 pm #578872
Ruth Quist
ParticipantKeelin, I love those moose guys.
A Peacock or Maybe a Seahorse
July 26, 2023 at 7:54 pm #578999
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantPeacock or Seahorse is like the classic Rubin’s face/vase optical illusion, Ruth. Fun to switch/swap what is seen.
Then again, sometimes what emerges first is impossible not to see each and every time—especially when it’s an old, familiar friend.
Billy in the Mist
July 26, 2023 at 9:44 pm #579008
Hans Stocker
ParticipantAh! The Rubin’s face/vase gave me the clue, Keelin. Billy is there indeed. You have a keen eye to spot our old friend even in a figure or ground puzzle. Very clever and funny too!
July 27, 2023 at 9:27 pm #579072
Ruth Quist
ParticipantKeelin, I wonder why goats hide. I think they must be wise and careful.
Cat is Back
August 13, 2023 at 3:22 am #580493
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantNot sure about goats in general, Ruth, but glad Billy comes out to play once in a while. I suspect your cat might be hanging out with him from time to time.
And now for something completely different…
Victorian Flirting Accessory
August 14, 2023 at 12:51 am #580556
Ruth Quist
ParticipantKeelin, your Flirting is wonderful. Moving from animals to:
Have A Heart
September 19, 2023 at 1:23 pm #583652
Arina Pingol
ParticipantThis is an old photo from November 2015. One early morning, half sleeping while I waited for the bus I looked up and saw this.
September 22, 2023 at 2:09 pm #583946
Ariel Kotker
ParticipantArina, I keep thinking of this wonderful arrow! I certainly hope the bus drove in the right direction…
September 22, 2023 at 4:57 pm #583958
Ruth Quist
ParticipantArina, what a cool cloud you caught.
A Mad Pig
September 22, 2023 at 10:10 pm #584011
Arina Pingol
Participantarielko, thank you! And yes, it did.
Ruth, thank you! I like your pig!
September 23, 2023 at 11:05 pm #584090
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantAmazing arrow, Ariel! Seems to be plenty of pointy things to watch out for in the sky. Good thing your wonderful Mad Pig looks to be a fast runner, Ruth!
October 30, 2023 at 12:03 am #586931
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantOh yes, they’re out there (or up there) just in time to celebrate the season!
The Gargoyle
The Drooler
November 9, 2023 at 12:31 am #588431
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantIt all depends on how you look at it…
November 21, 2023 at 7:40 pm #589477
Ruth Quist
ParticipantKeelin, what a wonderful display you have gathered up.
Single Jellyfish (hold the peanut butter)
November 23, 2023 at 12:30 am #589597
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThanks, Ruth! And here’s a companion for your Jellyfish, this one with pink-tinted tentacles. Better hold the peanut butter on this one too. ;)
Ocean Jelly in a Salty Sea
November 23, 2023 at 5:15 pm #589695
Hans Stocker
ParticipantKeelin, your composition of “It all depends on how you look at it…” is fantastic. Love it. And your “Ocean Jelly in a Salty Sea” as well. And I had a good laugh about your Victorian Flirting Accessory.
Ruth, I love your “Single Jellyfish (hold the peanut butter)”. Very funny.
I Don’t Know What Creature I am, But I know I know I am Going To Eat Something That’s On My Way -
November 26, 2023 at 7:48 am #589972
Roshan Bliss
ParticipantThese are all so great!
Long-time listener, first time caller here! #61533
I have a bunch of clouds that look like things that I can’t wait to share. One of my favorite ones is this (admittedly lazy-looking) mythical beast:
Drifting Dragon
December 14, 2023 at 10:14 pm #591795
Roshan Bliss
ParticipantI saw this Great Orange Whale diving from the sky a while back
December 23, 2023 at 1:13 am #593072
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThanks, Hans! And I love your What Creature with a not-too-picky appetite. Still, I might want to stay out of its way.
Roshan, your dragon and whale are fantastic. Hope you will share more with us here.
Sea Creature Dreams
February 14, 2024 at 1:48 am #597312
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantAlways Room for Love!
February 19, 2024 at 1:51 am #597697
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantBird Whisperer
March 5, 2024 at 7:50 pm #599075
Ruth Quist
ParticipantKeelin, hope you don’t mind my joining your heart.
Heart In a Stiff Breeze
March 8, 2024 at 7:07 pm #599255
Ruth Quist
ParticipantHans’s Dog
March 15, 2024 at 12:07 am #599647
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThere’s always room for another Heart, Ruth, and certainly a cloud dog as well. Not to mention that mischievous scampering fellow who shows up now and again.
In fact, I think the toothy cloud muncher with a goatee on the right might be asking…
Is That You, Billy?
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