Calling all ! Theatre Company needs your help to catch cloud images!

Calling all ! Theatre Company needs your help to catch cloud images!

Forums The Cloud Forum Calling all ! Theatre Company needs your help to catch cloud images!

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    • #270828
      Jenna Drury avatarJenna Drury

      Dear All,

      I am member 45199 from York, UK. I belong to children’s theatre company Mud Pie Arts. We really need your international help please. We are touring a family play  called ‘Cloud Tales’ this summer. The premise is that when clouds make changing pictures in the skies, they are telling each other stories!

      We need photos of the following images in clouds please:

      • A puffing steam train
      • A dog with a big nose!
      • An old man with a very long beard or moustache
      • A fat lady or a fat lady’s leg wearing a high heel shoe!

      Please scan the skies worldwide! If you spot any clouds shaped as above, please could you send them to the CAS gallery, labelled ‘for Mud Pie Arts.’

      At the end of the show each child will be given a simple cloud identifier. And of course we will be promoting the society and the pure wonder of clouds. We are touring to York, Leeds and Hull in Yorkshire, UK this June.

      Thank you all so much!

      Jenna Drury, 45199

    • #271808
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Hi Jenna. You’ve surely come to the right place regarding your quest. I’ll take a look in my archives and see if there are any images that fit your list. Meanwhile, I recall Hans Stocker posted a photo on April 14th titled “Old Man revisited in blue” to the relatively new forum topic Clouds-that-look-like-things. And three images below it, there’s “Cloud Dog Going For The Frisbee” by Michael. Of course, there are other photos sprinkled throughout the various forums that might fit your needs, but those two came immediately to mind.

      The premise of your ‘Cloud Tales’ sounds delightful! I love the idea of clouds telling stories and the boost it gives to a sense of playful pareidolia we all do well to hold on to. Below are a couple of images that aren’t on your list, but are offered here simply for amusement. Wishing you and cast and crew of MudPie Arts the best with your upcoming play!

      (The photos were given extra contrast and text in one instance, but otherwise not tweaked in post-production.)


    • #271810
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      In this one, Little Bear points to a drifting cumulus as Big Bear reminds him in a celestial puff, “This is the stuff of which we are made.”


    • #271916
      Jenna Drury avatarJenna Drury

      Thank you Keelin, that is such a sweet image! I may be able to tweak the script to get it in.

      The other narrative of the play is that because clouds have a habit of drifting off, they never finish their stories. We invite the audience to finish them.

      We are having some great cumulus days here in the UK. I’m continually searching the skies whilst walking my dog. Keep cloud spotting!

      Thanks again,Jenna

      Duggie Dog Here is my poodle with the too big nose!

    • #271966
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      You’re more than welcome, Jenna! Letting the audience partake in the story telling is a fantastic idea. You just never know where it will take you – and isn’t that half the fun? If you wander through some of the other forum topics, especially the many volumes of Black and White, you’ll find several instances of spontaneous narrative prompted by the clouds posted there. The exchanges have been whimsical, poetic, inspiring, and often hilarious.

      While spelunking through my archives here, I came across this one below. Here are a couple of frisky pups to keep your poodle with the too big nose at play. 2 dogs

    • #271967
      Jenna Drury avatarJenna Drury

      So cute!

      I will have a good look through the forum topics.

    • #271989
      Anne Keithlee Dazey avatarAnne Keithlee Dazey

      Big NoseCloud with Big Nose!

    • #272087
      Jenna Drury avatarJenna Drury

      Thank you Anne! nice one! Where did you spot this clown?

    • #272124
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      This pup must have heard your call, Jenna! I found him in my archives still racing across the sky. Don’t you just love it when their ears go flying?

      Dog with Flying Ears


    • #272905
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Hello Jenna, I love your idea for the children’s theater. Unfortunately I only have an old man you asked for in your wish list. Keelin already mentioned him, but he has no moustache or beard, just very long flowing silvery hair. I love the picture by Keelin with the conversation between two cloud characters. I noticed on the gallery also a cloud spotting cloud by Keelin. Both very funny.

      Just let me know whether you can use the old man (or any other) and I send it /them  to Ian.

      For now I have little Bear, going to sleep after enjoying a nice theater show by Mud Pie Arts. Lots of success with this idea!

      2018-03-03 Luchten_0311 B&W ac uitsnede klein

    • #273361
      Jenna Drury avatarJenna Drury

      Thank you for those words of encouragement Hans. I think we have found an old man with a beard but we are always looking!

      I am going to put in a request for images to use from the gallery soon, once we are closer to the final rehearsals. They have started well and its great fun to do.

      I’ll post our final choice of clouds so you can see. Meanwhile, keep scanning the skies!

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