Black & White Thread Volume IV
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- This topic has 99 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 6 months ago by
Michael Lerch.
June 29, 2017 at 11:59 am #218758
Hans Stocker
ParticipantBlack & White Thread Volume III ended with tributes to Alfred Stieglitz triggered by the Cloud-a-Day that payed attention to his abstract cloud pictures from the beginning of 20th century. Anyone who enters this thread later – so to say when Volume III has disappeared from the row of actual topics – I recommend to read the poetic text that Michael posted about Alfred Stieglitz and his soulmate Georgia O’Keeffe. Then also look at the tributes to Alfred Stieglitz from Michael (it could be taken from the “Nebulae” series of Stieglitz himself) and from Keelin with her lovely flowering and subtle Desert Bloom. What a beautiful way to end Volume III and I am already curious about what Volume IV will lead us to.
Just for a start of Volume IV
Something Alien
June 30, 2017 at 2:10 am #218855
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThere’s a sweet serenity in Something Alien that is very appealing, Hans. It makes for an excellent and intriguing start to Volume IV where I expect we’ll see more mystery, magic, and marvelous cloud play.
We’ve often spoken of how challenging these ethereal images can be to capture. Here’s One That Almost Got Away.
June 30, 2017 at 4:22 am #218872
Michael Lerch
ParticipantWe have Met The Aliens..and The Aliens Are US!
June 30, 2017 at 12:59 pm #218930
Hans Stocker
ParticipantWow, what a kick-off for Volume IV! Two monumental unearthly abstract pictures.
Let’s Follow This Road
June 30, 2017 at 6:38 pm #218973
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantYes, let’s! I very much like that we can’t see what lies ahead on This Road of (y)ours, Hans. Still, there’s comfort in knowing we shall ever be In the Company of Clouds, in every shade, of and ‘tween, the allure of B&W.
July 1, 2017 at 12:38 am #219028
Michael Lerch
Participant -
July 1, 2017 at 4:31 pm #219101
Hans Stocker
ParticipantGreat composition Keelin and what a mighty Ridge by Michael. We share clouds over continents and are able to view far beyond our horizons exchanging our pictures. It gives me
July 2, 2017 at 3:49 pm #219234
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantFeeling Energy here too, Hans, and inspiration as well. Michael, the strong sculptural quality of your latest image led me to want to view it in all directions (hope you don’t mind) and I see how easily it could lend itself to becoming a work of art in any direction. Several tangible mediums come to mind.
Encouraged to try this with one of my old photos, I gave it a turn and found it evoked a completely different feeling than it did in its original orientation.
July 2, 2017 at 3:50 pm #219235
Patricia L Keelin
Participant(continued from above…) Maybe I should have stopped there. One more twist and it quickly (and irreversibly) morphed into something rather Otherworldly. I shall leave it to your own imaginations lest you be stuck with what emerged there for me.
Otherworldly Creature
July 2, 2017 at 6:52 pm #219249
Hans Stocker
ParticipantNice experiment with rotations Keelin. The portrait picture has something majestic to me, while the landscape one unveiled an otherworldly shark to me.I like them.
This reminded me of experiments I did with converting Black and White to White and Black. I found out that in most cases the result disappoints or does not offer something extra, but sometimes a striking new composition pops up. Next one is an example I liked and it stays close to the otherworldly theme I think.
Alien Rasta Woman
July 3, 2017 at 12:21 am #219277
Michael Lerch
ParticipantKeelin you mite be surprised by how many shots I’ve posted here that are not on original orientation.
How many anecdotes and out right jokes about a famous artist’s work being hung upside down? To me its a sign of a good job if a work is enjoyed no matter what the orientation. Its a good habit to have to look at your creation as many ways possible.
This one below works for me only one way, the way you see it. But thats just my opinion.
July 3, 2017 at 10:07 pm #219399
Michael Lerch
ParticipantWhad’da Ya Got?
July 4, 2017 at 9:07 am #219454
Hans Stocker
ParticipantI’ve got something to contrast with these voluptuous whites
July 4, 2017 at 5:47 pm #219505
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantWhat I got from what you two gave was a mind trip! Traversing landscapes beautiful and “dreamatic”. And here, perhaps a resting place for a cloud trekker, is one that offers The Softness of Greys.
And Hans, your Alien Rasta Woman further above is absolutely stunning!
July 5, 2017 at 5:12 am #219579
Michael Lerch
ParticipantWow, from high Contrast to hardly any Contrast, nice journey! I’ll Meet you all half way…
July 5, 2017 at 5:53 pm #219651
Hans Stocker
ParticipantWell, thank you Keelin. And your Softness of Greys is as beautiful as mysterious. A resting place for sure.
Like Michael stated: from one extreme to another and then in between. Now entering the journey:
The Mystery Guest -
July 5, 2017 at 7:27 pm #219658
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantCould it be that The Mystery Guest is contemplating The Landscape Ahead?
July 5, 2017 at 10:09 pm #219670
Hans Stocker
ParticipantHe certainly does Keelin. At the same time he is wandering through this – to use your own new found word – dreamatic landscape.
Now The Mystery Guest Focusses To Take A Closer Look And To Absorb All The Details Of The Landscape Ahead
July 6, 2017 at 1:06 am #219697
Michael Lerch
ParticipantWater Bed
July 6, 2017 at 1:33 pm #219753
Hans Stocker
ParticipantThat’s a nice one to rest on for any sort of wanderer, Michael.
Spotted Today
July 7, 2017 at 12:17 am #219811
Michael Lerch
ParticipantSo Calder Said, ” I’ll Cut You Up And Hang You!”
July 7, 2017 at 2:08 am #219819
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantVery clever, you two! Meanwhile, Chagall Begins to Dream.
PS: Enjoyed your beautiful Lacunosus on the gallery yesterday, Michael!
July 7, 2017 at 4:29 pm #219891
Hans Stocker
ParticipantHihi, the one about Calder I had to look up. I did not know about him. Very funny and applicable.
Chagall is having a nice dream, Keelin. It can’t be a coincidence that when Chagall Begins To Dream Miro left his signature yesterday in the sky above me.
Miro Was here
July 8, 2017 at 2:33 am #219953
Michael Lerch
ParticipantKeelin thanks for your kind words. Don’t know what happened but the pic posted here in CAS Gallery actually lost some of its contrast compared to the same shot on my computer. It appears it gained “lights” and kinda looks flat compared to the one I have . Oh well. I have a couple of other color pics taken during same event. I’ll get around posting them soon. Thanks again.
Your Chagall dreamactic touched me. And Han’s Miro reflects well also. Neat!
Speakin about touching, maybe folks can feel this..
July 8, 2017 at 4:53 pm #220039
Hans Stocker
ParticipantWow, the threatening atmosphere of this towering monsoon cloudscape is almost touchable, Michael. Heavy.
I look forward for your other pictures of lacunosus.
Cracks In The Ceiling
July 8, 2017 at 7:00 pm #220057
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantBoth Monsoonerism and Cracks In The Ceiling have wonderful textural qualities and dimensions. I can easily feel them in my mind. Here, a flat canvas beckons an unknown artist’s first strokes.
Who Was Here?
July 9, 2017 at 1:29 pm #220158
Hans Stocker
ParticipantYou have done magic with “Who Was Here?” Keelin. These first strokes of an unknown artist have an incredible thick almost touchable texture. Also very funny. I hope we will see more from this artist.
Flat Feet
July 9, 2017 at 10:52 pm #220218
Michael Lerch
ParticipantKeelin..Your identity shot reminds of the Oriental illustration Art .. sumi-e..Nice!
Here is some Thick and Delicate
July 10, 2017 at 3:11 am #220245
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThank you both for your kind words. Here is one I think continues the theme of dimensions and textures — all so touchable! If we could peel open a cloud, might it look something like this?
The Softness Inside
July 10, 2017 at 4:23 pm #220324
Hans Stocker
ParticipantThick And Delicate, The Softness Inside: they make me think of good Belgian chocolate bonbons. Beautiful and tasty.
Oil On Canvas
July 11, 2017 at 3:54 pm #220570
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantTalk about tasty treats… Oil on Canvas looks delicious! And the best news is you can indulge all you wish. There’s not a single calorie even in a sky-sized Cup o’Clouds.
July 11, 2017 at 8:45 pm #220599
Hans Stocker
ParticipantYou really indulge us with this Cup o’Clouds, Keelin. It has the design of a delicate art nouveau piece of china. At this tea-party there must be also
The Mad Hatter
July 12, 2017 at 2:24 am #220641
Michael Lerch
ParticipantReading The Paper
July 12, 2017 at 11:52 am #220711
Hans Stocker
ParticipantHa, striking image. Magic, Michael
Taking A Bath But Forgot The Paper
July 13, 2017 at 10:03 pm #220921
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantFantastic images! Even a subtle face can be perceived in your Reading The Paper, Michael. And after absorbing news of the world, a good soak in the tub might do much to balance both mind and spirit. I’d like to move my tub out of doors and soak in that peaceful view you have there, Hans. The ultimate in relaxation — especially if it’s a BubbleBath.
The question remains: Where do the bubbles end and the clouds begin?
July 14, 2017 at 5:38 pm #221045
Michael Lerch
ParticipantLewis Carrol Had His Rabbit Holes So I Suppose Cloud Appreciators Have Their Cloud Holes,,That Go Up Instead of Down. Of Course, to Photograph Them ,Is To Never Be Too Late.
July 14, 2017 at 10:30 pm #221077
Hans Stocker
ParticipantCapturing clouds make one feel the hasty white rabbit for sure. Once seen a nice cloudscape you already must have your camera in hand to capture it. You were certainly prepared Michael to shoot this great asperitas.
Keelin you triggered my memory with your philosophic question where bubbles end and clouds start. The idea of pulling the tub outside to observe the clouds from, is also a quite appealing idea and seeing next picture you might think I suited the action to the word.
Bubbles And Clouds
July 15, 2017 at 2:05 am #221095
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantWell, I for one would like to catch a ride inside one of your crystal clear bubbles, Hans. And float on through the Sky’s version of the rabbit hole you’ve made reference to, Michael. Such a Mysterious Passageway could lead anywhere!
July 15, 2017 at 4:01 pm #221174
Hans Stocker
ParticipantYour composition in grays is overwhelming, Keelin!
… and you description of our journey is very poetic…. we follow a Mysterious Passageway, a road to Anywhere.
Today I had a lucky day on our journey. Looking up (as usual…..) I saw a large part of the parhelic circle. This is a rather rare phenomenon although sometimes small parts of the parhelic can be seen attached to a sundog. This was the second time I saw a parhelic circle this large and without sundogs. It lasted just five or ten minutes glistening in the passing cirrus formation.
Parhelic Circle
July 15, 2017 at 4:02 pm #221175
Hans Stocker
ParticipantSome minutes later you can still see the parhelic on the top of the cirrus streaks
Parhelic Circle II
July 15, 2017 at 8:08 pm #221203
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantWow, Hans, you are lucky indeed! Looks like 5-10 minutes of sheer bliss. I like seeing both images you’ve posted here as it shows how we can be fully captivated and glued to the spot in which we first see such splendor. While I’ve yet to see such a wonder myself, I feel fortunate to have looked up while watering the garden one morning to be awed by the appearance of a 22˚ halo (prettier, of course, in color).
PS: Also enjoyed your River of Stratus on the CAS Gallery – lovely!
July 16, 2017 at 3:28 am #221254
Michael Lerch
ParticipantHans,Its good to see the attention paid to clouds above ,paying off. Parhelic Circles are rare in these parts. I witnessed such a show over year ago from my backyard and felt very special seeing and photographing it. Nobody else in Phoenix seemed to see it..! Timing is everything and Your Timing was perfect. Congrats!
Keelin , heres a look up into a cloud hole , with a hint of Anywhere in the distance
July 16, 2017 at 8:37 pm #221357
Hans Stocker
ParticipantMy replies seem to get lost after submitting. I have had this once before. A bug is at work. Grrr.
July 16, 2017 at 8:41 pm #221359
Hans Stocker
ParticipantThank you Keelin, it is nice to read you enjoy my River Of Stratus. Looking up in wonder of the clouds will also lead to encounter all kind of halos like you did with the 22 degrees halo. Other halos will follow for sure, when you know about the circumstances that are favorable for halos to appear (mainly cirrostratus and cirrus). And so you are right Michael, attention for clouds indeed pays off this way. It is always a pleasant surprise to see for example a bright CZA or any other halo.
It is funny to confess that I did not even see a rather common sundog ever before I got interested in clouds. The fascination for optical phenomena comes for free with the appreciation of clouds. And like Michael wrote, seeing a halo you seem to be the only one that observes these wonders of light play. I have had several occasions with my head in the sky and with my camera in the hand that people asked what I was seeing. After I pointed out there was a sundog or a halo they were always surprised about the existence of these phenomena and thanked me for having explained it.
And so you find out that a CZA or the so called smile in the sky is not that rare as you might think. The point is that one must be aware of the favorable circumstances to look up and find one, since it only appears near the zenith.
Back to Anywhere in Black and White.
July 16, 2017 at 8:44 pm #221360
Hans Stocker
ParticipantSo I seem to have tricked the confused forum by cutting my reply in two parts.
Still Some Darkness On Our Journey To Anywhere Waiting For An Encounter Behind The Beckoning Light
July 16, 2017 at 8:53 pm #221363
Hans Stocker
ParticipantAnd so I find out that adding some text with a link to a site in the visual mode might have been the problem in posting my former replies. Now a retry in text modus.
PS. I hope you both know about the site
Every optical phenomenon is presented together with scientific explanations. I noticed that Gavin works together with the owner of this site, Les Cowley. It is a goldmine of information and shows great pictures.
July 17, 2017 at 12:05 am #221393
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantHans, I did not know the Atmospheric Optics site, so thank you very much! It will be a great pleasure to explore. And I’m not surprised to hear Gavin is involved in it.
The cloudy character below (who apparently has a twin across the pond!) has been haunting my archives for quite some time, but I had yet to settle on a proper name for him. Based on what’s been written above (“…a hint of Anywhere in the distance” and “…our journey to Anywhere…”), it seems only right to call him “Anywhere”. Wouldn’t you agree?
Anywhere Beckons
July 18, 2017 at 1:44 am #221564
Michael Lerch
ParticipantI made a turn at Anywhere
July 18, 2017 at 2:16 pm #221652
Hans Stocker
ParticipantI agree Keelin, Anywhere is a proper name for the twins across he pond. Quite amazing similarity of all three abstracts.
Michael took a surprising turn from Anywhere leading us to a mysterious, soft and a bit woolen atmosphere.
I don’t know where to go.
July 18, 2017 at 7:49 pm #221704
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantMichael, kudos on your Turn at Anywhere. It is surely as seductive as any hypnagogic imagery I’ve ever seen. And Hans, not to worry, ZigZag itself is a direction worth following — new perspectives at every turn! Then again, we can always Just Spin Around and take off anew.
July 19, 2017 at 9:58 am #221792
Hans Stocker
ParticipantYes a Turn At Anywhere is seductive. Now I get lost in your Spin Keelin. Great composition. I like to continue this movement and this is the
Spin Off
July 21, 2017 at 1:50 am #222061
Michael Lerch
ParticipantWill it Go Round In Circles, like the Clouds in The Sky
July 21, 2017 at 2:28 am #222065
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThat it will ~~~ and more…
July 21, 2017 at 1:15 pm #222140
Hans Stocker
ParticipantQuite amazing these continuations on the theme op spinning, curling, unfurling and other circular motions. I like them all.
Motion leads to
Change Of Weather
I don’t know what I do see here except for a exceptional cloud configuration. Some characteristics of asperitas can be seen in the thick band of cloud at the bottom. Any idea?
July 21, 2017 at 1:16 pm #222143
Hans Stocker
ParticipantSomewhat later from a different angle
July 22, 2017 at 5:18 pm #222306
Michael Lerch
ParticipantHans..IMHO you have photographed Asperitas. Majority of photos of Asperitas are of the perspective from below;The wave rolls seen from below. You have photos of..what I will guess as .smaller manifestations at an opportune distance that shows the lower level of wave but also the action going on above the wave..horizontal and vertical. I have been fortunate enough to witness the same. I have a shot in the Gallery taken early in the A.M. where I captured the wave below with the aspirated above. It seems to me..the wild columns of cloud indicate the upward flow of air that creates the waves. Lots of energy involved with Asperitas.
A shot of a bit more calmer..
Evening Balm
July 22, 2017 at 9:19 pm #222334
Hans Stocker
ParticipantThank you Michael, I was not sure. I think I found the example of yours on the gallery.
Great light play and brightness in your Evening Balm!
Just this morning I spotted this one. It looks like it was destined to come next.
July 24, 2017 at 4:42 am #222492
Michael Lerch
July 24, 2017 at 1:20 pm #222537
Hans Stocker
ParticipantAfter Evening Balm again great detail and sharpness in Intermixing, Michael.
July 24, 2017 at 6:38 pm #222571
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThank you, Hans and Michael. Having just returned from a long weekend under cloudless skies, the latest images above are a delightful balm for these eyes. In gratitude, here’s a Layered Cake to share.
July 25, 2017 at 2:30 pm #222693
Hans Stocker
ParticipantThat is a tasty Layered Cake to eat Keelin, thank you. I took some coffee with it this morning. a perfect way to start the day!
Recently I spotted this peculiar lacunosus at sunset
Ragged Veil
July 27, 2017 at 2:09 am #222913
Michael Lerch
ParticipantSomething I Found in The Back Of My Desk Drawer
July 27, 2017 at 1:21 pm #222980
Hans Stocker
ParticipantSomething I Found On My External Memory
July 28, 2017 at 3:56 am #223101
Michael Lerch
ParticipantNot a Team Player..
July 28, 2017 at 1:07 pm #223153
Hans Stocker
ParticipantThis one is also operating solo
A Shark Betraying His Presence With His Fin
July 28, 2017 at 3:18 pm #223168
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantFabulous photos, you two! Peculiar, funny, stunning, surreal.
Something I found in the mirror that scared me more than a shark.
My Hair in the Morning
July 28, 2017 at 9:45 pm #223207
Hans Stocker
ParticipantThank you Keelin, and so is yours!
And don’t be scared, you can make a harp out of what you see in the mirror in the morning and the day will end in music.
From The Musical Hair
July 29, 2017 at 4:15 am #223249
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThank you, Hans. You’ve inspired a new “harpdo” which I’ll be sure to try out tomorrow morning. And Michael, just be careful rifling through that desk drawer. You wouldn’t want a Startled Stinger on your hands.
July 30, 2017 at 2:53 am #223365
Michael Lerch
July 30, 2017 at 11:18 am #223399
Hans Stocker
ParticipantA School Of Sharkcularis
July 30, 2017 at 4:03 pm #223422
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantFin-tastic timing as the annual celebration of Shark Week wraps up~~~
A Fan of Fins
July 31, 2017 at 8:21 pm #223577
Hans Stocker
ParticipantI am a big fan of your Fan of Fins Keelin. Subtle structures.
Here is another one of the series of cirrocumulus lennies.
Sheltered Bay
August 1, 2017 at 4:54 pm #223701
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantFound this in the Sheltered Bay ~~~
Seaweed in Sandy Shallows
August 2, 2017 at 11:43 am #223798
Hans Stocker
ParticipantNice find in the Sandy Shallows, Keelin. Did you leave this one on the shores?
August 3, 2017 at 1:35 am #223883
Michael Lerch
ParticipantTheres Always One in a Crowd
August 3, 2017 at 10:53 am #223932
Hans Stocker
ParticipantStrange Perspective
August 3, 2017 at 3:46 pm #223957
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantVery funny, Hans! Who could have predicted that Footprint would find its way into the B&W forum?! And as for the images that follow it, There’s Always One in a Crowd and Strange Perspective are both worth Waiting In Line to see.
August 4, 2017 at 10:52 am #224081
Hans Stocker
ParticipantThank you….. and great composition Keelin. Love it. Intriguing soft rolls emerging from the left, Waiting in Line and trying to hide at the right, going to ……. anywhere? Beautiful.
August 5, 2017 at 1:44 pm #224261
Hans Stocker
ParticipantI Started The Day Today With This One (And Others)
August 5, 2017 at 5:17 pm #224278
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantSuch a lovely and serene image to start the day — thank you for sharing this, Hans. It is a calming contrast to the Wild Skies of Yesterday Afternoon here.
August 5, 2017 at 5:18 pm #224279
Patricia L Keelin
Participant…which was followed by Thunderous Applause — or the Sound of Many Hands Clapping.
August 6, 2017 at 10:20 am #224373
Hans Stocker
ParticipantI love wild skies and Wild Skies in articular. They deserve the Clapping of Many Hands, Keelin. Great short story in two pictures.
Yesterday morning over here was a morning in between wildness and serenity. Lots of movements and a rare asperitas event….. that almost nobody noticed….. but gave great sculpting in the sky. Michael once wrote : asperitas love black and white. It might be even vice versa.
August 6, 2017 at 10:22 am #224374
Hans Stocker
ParticipantNo Words
August 7, 2017 at 10:50 pm #224583
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantSo glad you were there and aware to take notice of the morning’s variable speed dance, Hans — and with camera in hand! Excellent captures of two distinct moods of Asperitas. And I agree, Michael is right about their affinity for black and white portraiture.
Below is an image that appears to me as if a long-fingered hand is holding the sun, ready to let it roll like a bright marble across the morning sky. How quickly the light would change and another dance begin.
August 8, 2017 at 4:42 pm #224726
Hans Stocker
ParticipantGreat choreography and light-play Keelin! The contrast works great.
Over here today again an aperitas event. Quite rare! I read in the article about the origin of asperitas (see home page), that gravity waves are supposed to be the cause – on their turn generated by large convective activity elsewhere. Well I think that suits the case over here.
Next one I captured today and I like it for its composition and elegance of the lines.
August 9, 2017 at 10:09 pm #224947
Hans Stocker
ParticipantAnother View On Asperitas
August 11, 2017 at 2:34 am #225135
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantBeautiful compositions, Hans! Your series of Asperitas is truly breathtaking.
Here is a Mostly Greys image that I like for its soft, sleepy feel.
[…oops! can’t seem to add an image at the moment… the icon has disappeared. Hopefully a fix will come soon.]
August 11, 2017 at 4:54 pm #225203
Gavin Pretor-Pinney
KeymasterYes, the image upload functionality has gone AWOL due to a recent software update. Our developer is onto it, and so we hope this will be working again before too long!
August 12, 2017 at 3:22 pm #225331
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThank you for the quick fix, Gavin and assistant! Now that that shadow has passed, here is the Mostly Greys image…
August 12, 2017 at 5:41 pm #225349
Hans Stocker
ParticipantAlso my thanks for the fast respons Gavin! Seeing your contribution to this topic this morning I just thought you maybe posted a black and white contribution, but the fix is also much appreciated.
I wouldn’t have liked to miss the Mostly Greys by Keelin! Beautiful.
Yesterday I took a picture of the sun just shining through a curtain of altocumulus. No overexposure because of the clouds, but just translucent enough to see the contours of the complete sun. And what surprised me was the way the sun seems to be drawn with a fine pencil in the sky.
August 12, 2017 at 7:20 pm #225358
Michael Lerch
ParticipantI see I wasn’t the only one with computer problems. I hope remedies stay in place for both of us.
August 13, 2017 at 2:21 pm #225463
Hans Stocker
ParticipantYay!, Michael. Just as I thought you were having a vacation or something, you come up with this enthousiastic cloud scene.
Was Michael Here?
August 13, 2017 at 7:33 pm #225489
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantYour Sun just shining is a beauty, Hans, easily emulating the mystery of the Moon. And how lucky to be able to stare directly at it here for as long as we wish and not be blinded!
Michael, missed you! This morning, I was thinking of your earlier comments regarding image rotation. Playing with the photo below, I found each 90˚ turn evoked a different emotion. After a few spins, it finally came to rest, somehow feeling More Hopeful in this orientation.
August 14, 2017 at 2:15 am #225531
Michael Lerch
ParticipantYes Keelin the Rise from Lower Left to Upper Right Seems a Natural Uplift.
Below I Use Pure White and Black Sparingly -
August 14, 2017 at 1:36 pm #225616
Hans Stocker
ParticipantIt is this way in rest Keelin. For me it is the right orientation. perfect balance and great composition.
Whitish Greys
August 15, 2017 at 12:31 am #225699
Michael Lerch
Participantlet your eyes adjust
August 15, 2017 at 7:42 pm #225844
Hans Stocker
ParticipantA lenticular cloudspotter laying on his back and blowing a ring in the air……
Apart from this association I like it very much.
Lately some clouds auditioned at sunset. I cast this one.
August 15, 2017 at 11:14 pm #225868
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThose eyes in the skies are remarkable, Michael. What a nice shot of surrealism!
And a funny interpretation, Hans. Your image that followed looks to have been taken at sea and almost as if the fellow you saw in Michael’s photo had flipped over. Is this him now?
Swimming Through the Waves
August 16, 2017 at 3:56 am #225906
Michael Lerch
ParticipantWhy Does That Look Like Neil Young? Hes Too Old to be Swimming in Rough Water,OK,Maybe Van Morrison, But Hes Too Old Too..My Goodness
A little fun with a spot.
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