Black & White Photos of Clouds Vol XXlV

Black & White Photos of Clouds Vol XXlV

Forums The Cloud Forum Black & White Photos of Clouds Vol XXlV

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    • #624061
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Allow me to begin the 24th vol of B&W cloud photos.

      Arizona B&W#2401.. a altocumulus sunset in B&W



    • #624211
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, thanks for another chapter.

      A Nimbostratus MorningP1050289 (2)

    • #624622
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Great start of a new volume for B&W’s, Michael. Your start has a Christmas feel.

      I recognize the grey autumn – now over here – in your Nimbostratus Morning, Ruth.

      2024-11 Charigny (35)-1

      Cirrus with mamma


    • #624719
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, nice mamma.

      More gray mamma.P1078874 (2)

    • #624860
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Mammatus in the house!

      Maybe some more Christmas  in B&W below.  Christmas in B&W is a tough assignment Hans.

      Arizona B&W#2402




    • #625012
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      The Christmas-feel assignment may be tough, but it is easily given Michael😊.

      What do you think of this one?

      2024-09 Charigny (44)-1
      Just another day in the year

    • #625487
      Gregory Venarsky avatarGregory Venarsky

      I agree. It may be a bit hard to get a good snapshot of Christmas in B&W, however, what better way to have a Christmas than with snow!


      White Mountain Christmas

    • #625888
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, I think you may have found some angle hair.

      Gregory, lovely B&W with some serious snow.  I think you may have caught a flag up on the high peak.

      Michael, #2402 could be some snow men.

      Fine as SilkP1078956 (2)

    • #626041
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Hans I like the Just another day!..The gray drape you captured  makes it a 3 dimensional wonder! Well Done! As is White Mtn Xmas Gregory!  The wind creating a snow cloud off that peak?  And talk about wind, if only the wind blown cirrus would drop to us in bolts of fine spun silk Ruth..

      Arizona B&W#2403


    • #627961
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Thanks Michael. There is silken virga in your B&W #2403. Love it. Indeed Fine As Silk, Ruth! And an impressive example of a banner cloud in White Mountain Christmas Gregory. You must be in the mood already😊.

      2024-04 Wolken (4)-1
      Window Of Opportunity

    • #629132
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      2024-04 Wolken (1)-1

      Hunting Needles

    • #630281
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, nice needles.  Almost like porcupine.  Those guys are mean.

      A Bit BreezyP1130918 (2)

    • #630935
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Yes, breezy, Ruth. I tried to find some more breezy ones. I come up with this one.

      2023-07 Wolken (12)-1


    • #631160
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      A happy new year to all. A new year promising new amazing and surprising Black and Whites.

      2024-02 Wolken (3)-1
      Sticky Holes

    • #631180
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, yep that is a gust alright.  Plus, some big holes boot.

      Nose TicklersP1100979 (2)

    • #631501
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      All kinds of fun happening in this thread. Leave it to Black & White to bring it on!

      IMG_7526_BW_Miscellaneous MysteryMiscellaneous Mystery

    • #631565
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Keelin, I love a good mystery.  I always enjoy your photos and wit.  P1030117 (2)

      Popcorn Anyone

    • #631975
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      I brought my 3D glasses to watch this movie.

      Arizona B&W#2404


      • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Michael Lerch avatarMichael.
    • #632102
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, very interesting screen or netting.

      Low Skirt

      P1080576 (2)

    • #632142
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Thanks for your kind comments, Ruth. Popcorn looks delicious — and Michael’s response is better than butter!

      Michael, I’v never seen such a fine, evenly lined cloud layer. Fantastic!

      IMG_7852_BW_Above and Beyond
      Above and Beyond

    • #632220
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Above and beyond looks fantastic and fiery as well, Keelin. Thinking of fire I hope you are far away from the fires around LA. Really terrifying!

      2017-07-27 Lennies_0010 B&W uitsnede ac klein


    • #632423
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Love the calming smoothness of Smooth, Hans. And thank you, yes, Napa is far north of the surreal, devastation happening in LA. It is truly catastrophic. If only tears could drench those wild winded fires for our southern neighbors/friends.

      IMG_7404_A Splash Of Intortus_BW

      Empathy and Embers

    • #632951
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Beyond tragic scene in Los Angeles. Makes us all wonder about fire conditions around our own town. Keelin the undulatus shot was made possible with a zoom telephoto lens. A fair amount of , compression of space, takes place with a telephoto lens. The alignment of the undulatus with the background  is what made me take the shot. So I got a lot of undulatus and a simpler  background with lighting that made it all possible. Below is another shot , zoomed in on an area, that shows diminishing undulatus the closer you get to the bottom right. Hans your pic reminds me of the olde Cadillac tail fins on their 50’s era models!

      Arizona  B&W#2405


      • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by Michael Lerch avatarMichael.
    • #633147
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Love everyone’s photos.  Grey and cold in my area.  Looking back at summertime is helping my head.  Thinking I should buy some flowers at the store this week!


      P1033456 (2)

    • #633855
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      May your 360 degree cloudspotting spot be warm enough to visit everyday, Ruth.  Winter cabin fever is taking its toll on you.

      bacon cloud below

      Arizona B&W2406


    • #634718
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Michael, who doesn’t love bacon.

      A Crater in the skyP1079679 (2)

    • #635005
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Ah, delicate and tasty bacon, Michael. And then a creamy cappuccino from Ruth. Strange combination?

      2023-07 Wolken (9)-1

      Please No Hairs In It

    • #635028
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Hans, very funny.  Yum, bacon and coffee.  I think your hair may have blown away with:

      The Big FanP1040148 (2)

    • #635809
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona B&W#2407


    • #635838
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Some RidgesP1077622 (2)

    • #637434
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      A Dark Start To The Day.P1079502 (2)

    • #637804
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Arizona B&W#2408


    • #638741
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Moon and BranchP1079730 (2)

    • #639094
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Dandelions rule in my yardP1130606 (2)

    • #640039
      Ruth Quist avatarRuth Quist

      Still StandingP1079822 (2)

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