Above the clouds…
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Tagged: Gliding Above Clouds Flying
- This topic has 40 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 9 months ago by
Mike Rubin.
March 16, 2015 at 8:53 am #77908
Bastian Ulmer
ParticipantSome of us have the privilege to spot clouds from above such as frequent travellers or pilots. So please post pictures and stories from above the clouds! Have you been eye to eye with some cirrus clouds in the setting sun? Perhaps you have seen a glory around the shadow of an aeroplane in which you are a passenger? A towering cumulus from above?
We´ll start with a thin and vanishing layer of valley stratus just touching the belly of the helicopter. The picture is taken an early summer morning in the Patjelanta national park in northern Sweden. -
March 16, 2015 at 9:18 am #77909
Gavin Pretor-Pinney
KeymasterThat’s a great idea for a topic, Bastian. The window of a plane is a fantastic place for cloudspotting. We’d love to see what people post.
Here are some of the above-the-clouds photographs from the gallery for inspiration:
“Above The Clouds”-
March 16, 2015 at 11:05 pm #77942
Howard Brown
ParticipantWonderful stuff in your gallery, GP-P. Another way to search it is to track a particular person e.g. here at random Captain Richard Ghorbal:
March 16, 2015 at 12:34 pm #77914
Bill Ward
An excellent idea indeed…!I took this shot of La Palma when en route to Tenerife last year. The maximum altitude of La Palma is ~2400 metres, so this gives an idea of height scale.
Below are the rafts of stratocumulus that form at the temperature inversion and above is a solid lump of altocumulus.
Bill. -
March 16, 2015 at 4:45 pm #77935
Bastian Ulmer
ParticipantGreat picture Bill!
Not only above the clouds – between the clouds! ;-)-
March 16, 2015 at 7:43 pm #77937
Mike Rubin
ModeratorOne of my favourite UK cloud gliding pics from 2009:
See Gliding 2015 Pictures for my latest pics.
March 17, 2015 at 9:35 am #77950
Bastian Ulmer
ParticipantGreat picture, FlyByWire! Dancing with cumulus clouds…
March 20, 2015 at 2:28 pm #78025
Benjamin Brown-Steiner
ParticipantLast year I tried out some time lapses during a descent to Atlanta and got some interesting results. It’s a little shaky (it’s all the pilots fault, :) ).
Here’s a time lapse during the flight:
And here’s a time lapse during the descent:
March 20, 2015 at 2:32 pm #78027
Benjamin Brown-Steiner
ParticipantOh, I knew I had one more!
Here’s a flight away from Atlanta later that week. You can see some really neat stratus undulatus clouds all lined up nice and neat.
April 2, 2015 at 10:52 pm #78394
Mike Rubin
ModeratorNice wave bars indeed. I saw similar as I ascended from Zaragoza, Spain en route to London, UK on Sunday 29th March. I didn’t think to try a time lapse out! Maybe next time.
March 20, 2015 at 4:21 pm #78034
Andrew Kirk
ParticipantHow on Earth do you make a time-lapse from a jetliner?
March 20, 2015 at 5:56 pm #78036
Benjamin Brown-Steiner
ParticipantA cell phone on airplane mode and the LapseIt App (http://www.lapseit.com/)
March 31, 2015 at 9:27 am #78291
Andrew Pothecary
ModeratorThought I’d cheat a bit for this one. I was actually on the ground, just on a hill some distance from Mount Fuji, but still above the clouds. Unfortunately, it was taken on an old, low-res digital camera. I’ll have to return some day and get a decent shot!
April 2, 2015 at 10:37 pm #78393
Mike Rubin
ModeratorThis last week I’ve been busy processing a zillion pics from a gliding expedition last week to the Pyrenees. At its best I was soaring high on mountain wave, passing and climbing above lenticular clouds on my way up to a best height of 19,500 feet. The trip was cloudspotter eye candy with lots of lenticulars of all shapes, rotor clouds, as well as the more humble stratus, cumulus, cirrus, etc. Even the Ryanair flight in and out of there was fun with snow showers over the pyrenees on the way in, and a sky full of lenticulars on the way out before we ascended into cirrostratus and lost sight of it all.
Now if only my (so far dismal) UK gliding season could finally get going then that would be great!
A few pics were added to the Lasham Expeditions blog at http://lashamexpeditions.blogspot.co.uk/ – one of my favourite shots was posted on Week 4 Day 4 (from Thursday 26th March 2015) as we descended from 19,500 feet, still above some exsquisite sculpted lenticular wave bars.
This is the pic, probably in the region of 15,000 feet above sea level, Pyrenees peaks (snow caps hiding behind the lenticular wave bar) and France beyond to the right, Spain (Aragon) and Santa Cilia / Jaca to the left:
I have already removed the blue colour cast from the glider canopy tint since this was posted so on my own site it will look better.-Mike
April 6, 2015 at 11:15 pm #78459
Howard Brown
ParticipantSkyfaring (book)
The link below looks very odd but seems to work. It is meant not to recommend the book, but for the marketing pictures above the clouds.
https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=skyfaring&biw=1067&bih=631&tbm=isch&imgil=wqhRCVRYvjF4yM%253A%253BrjCmlA_oKJUu2M%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.skyfaring.com%25252Fotherwriting%25252Fnyt%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=wqhRCVRYvjF4yM%253A%252CrjCmlA_oKJUu2M%252C_&usg=__P3LeOb7pm275deBloQ7pkFWwaiM%3D&dpr=1.05&ved=0CGAQyjc&ei=wvwiVbKzMaTU7AajpYCIAQ#imgrc=wqhRCVRYvjF4yM%253A%3BrjCmlA_oKJUu2M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fstatic1.squarespace.com%252Fstatic%252F540486f6e4b0bc1fe0ff044b%252Ft%252F54b1573fe4b0c4db65f87809%252F1420908360365%252FSkyfaring%252B2.jpg%253Fformat%253D1500w%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.skyfaring.com%252Fotherwriting%252Fnyt%252F%3B1500%3B1125The author seems good at publicity. An extract in The Independent is strong on beacon-spotting. An interview with GQ mag includes much Sky Music e.g. ‘”Nuvole Bianche” (White Clouds) by Ludovico Einaudi.’ and says ‘Music has the curious alchemy of salt; it improves a thing not by changing it, but by making it more itself.’
April 25, 2015 at 10:52 pm #78909
Howard Brown
ParticipantThat book Skyfaring is BBC Radio’s Book of the Week if you fancy listening to a few extracts:
April 7, 2015 at 8:47 am #78461
Andrew Pothecary
ModeratorA little self indulgence from a couple of flights between London and Tokyo:
Frost/condensation in an airplane window at sunrise
Chemtr… I mean contrail, obviously [sarcasm, BTW]
I liked this one, with a blue-white sky above white stratus. It’s restful enough to be my wallpaper.
The sea below the clouds below
Tons of hardware above the clouds
The sea below the clouds below turns golden. This was the coast of Japan. I’m not sure over which part precisely, but generally this was part of the sea-area that rose up in tsunami form 4 years ago.
The mountains of Japan -
April 7, 2015 at 11:19 pm #78483
Howard Brown
ParticipantIt’s nice to have an indulgence on a long flight, Poth, and you avoided the problems Atoptics mentioned.
Here’s another well grounded above the clouds picture
April 8, 2015 at 7:27 pm #78492
Mike Rubin
ModeratorFor some reason my posts weren’t appearing. Maybe the forum doesn’t like images in links? (was trying to make the pics clickable linking to the pic on my CAS album.)
A few new pics from my Spanish Gliding expedition:
Soaring above the Spanish Pyrenees on 25th March 2015. Clouds from the French side flowing over the peaks and down the Spanish valleys.
Wave soaring above the Spanish Pyrenees on 26th March 2015. This wave bar took us all the way to the airspace ceiling at 19,500 feet.
Clouds over the Yesa Reservoir in Northern Spain on 27th March 2015. Seen while climbing in wave over Santa Cilia.I have a Facebook album up at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152736154607797.1073741848.648887796&type=1&l=7cf6bf0797 and eventually far more pics will go on my website. :)
April 10, 2015 at 11:45 pm #78550
Howard Brown
ParticipantGosh, that’s almost four miles high. Loved the lenticulars and sunset in your album, Mike.
April 19, 2015 at 12:00 am #78738
Mike Rubin
ModeratorThanks H. :)
The full set of images are now uploaded onto my own website at http://www.flybywire.org.uk/pictures/Jaca2015.html – The Facebook album is a subset of this album (294 pictures in total). More lennies, sunset shots and other goodies from the ground and in the air.
April 19, 2015 at 4:17 pm #78758
Jill D Mabbott
ParticipantFly-by-Wire RE: The 3rd. photo above -I’ve several times seen since the Icelandic volcanic eruption thin dark greystreaks of cloud at between 5 & 9 thousand feet which to my (meteorologists) eye- a) should NOT be grey as they’re not in shadow from the sun, b) are two thin for their base-length and therefore indicate ‘heavier’ condensation particles and c) don’t behave in accordance with the sort of stratiform cloud I’d expect at that low/mid level. CONCLUSION – these are based on nuclei of volcanic dust, giving them their distinctive colour and shape. Good job you didn’t have an engine to get clogged up!!! Glad to see you are still getting airborne & having fun with clouds. I am planning to re-live my youth by enjoying a flight in a small ‘plane this year to celebrate a ‘significant’ birthday with a nought at the end. Do my CAS pals know anyone in Ireland with a taildragger? GWW/Granny Weatherwitch in Tipperary,Ireland
April 19, 2015 at 5:59 pm #78759
Mike Rubin
ModeratorHuh? That sky looks in the pic and was indeed crystal clear and very clean. (A week in such clean fresh air was very tiring!) No volcanic eruptions within 5000 miles upwind as far as I know. That was a very long range shot of Yesa too as it was many miles away. Looks perfectly clean to me! Even the cleanest air has some dust particles (or else clouds would not form) and over such long distances they are bound to have a scattering effect on the light.
Clouds do not have to be white and fluffy to be clean. They will appear grey if viewed at the right angle even if they are in sunlight. Especially thin lenticulars (thin simply because it is a thin layer of moisture at that location). The building clouds look whiter because they are thicker and have more angle to them. I’ve seen these effects many times from oblique angles in both dirty and super clean air.
May 27, 2015 at 11:53 pm #79715
July 5, 2015 at 10:24 pm #80555
Mike Rubin
ModeratorThis afternoon over Hampshire after climbing 2000 feet up the inside of a large cloud (6kt thermal in there): https://youtu.be/epz8SRwLqX4
“After having fun in a Lasham Gliding Society Discus near a shower cloud in the Newbury area I took a cloud climb 4km East of the town of Kingsclere. Cloudbase was about FL45 (4500 feet). I topped out at the airspace ceiling of FL65 (6500 feet) after climbing at about 6kts most of the way. Then after a long period inside a large cloud I emerged somewhere closer to Basingstoke, where I couldn’t resist a new video clip. Alas I forgot to turn off macro mode on my camera. Despite that, apart from one section of malfocussed video (which I edited out) it didn’t come out too badly. Phew! Easily my best cloud eye candy of the year so far in the UK. The town visible in the clip is Basingstoke, as I am headed back towards Lasham. I was still close to the 4-4500 foot cloudbase when I approach Lasham well after the video ends.”
I also got some lovely shots on the way of the ‘skirt of clouds around the shower, seen from above, before I went climbing up into the adjacent cloud.
Still floating gently back to earth…
July 7, 2015 at 9:10 pm #80595
Mike Rubin
ModeratorHere are some pictures from the 5th July flight around the shower cloud and from above cloudbase:
I was at 4500 feet at the main cloudbase in a glider just South of Greenham Common. I was under a towering cumulus with a shower under it. The moisture from it was causing low clouds to form below me on the edge of the rain:
Shower at Greenham Common / Newbury
Shower at Greenham Common / NewburyI took a 2000 foot cloud climb just East of Kingsclere, Hampshire to FL65 (6500 feet). As I was flying Southwards to find my way out of the cloud I flew through a small gap between towering cumulus. It was like being in a giant crevice! :
Flying through a small gap between two towering cumulus clouds.I was gliding back to Lasham Airfield after popping out of the side of the towering cumulus clouds. As I passed Basingstoke I was still well above the 4500 foot cloudbase (I was well below the local airspace ceiling of 5500 feet):
Above Cloudbase near BasingstokeA full set of pictures will eventually appear on my gliding page at http://www.flybywire.org.uk/pictures/gliding2015.html.
July 31, 2015 at 11:22 pm #81163
August 21, 2015 at 11:37 pm #81628
Howard Brown
ParticipantPlus an aurora from NASA. I suspect there are recent NASA auroras but I liked this older one.
P.S. Having submitted this link, when I double checked it I was left with not the link but the pen pictures after it…
November 5, 2015 at 12:17 am #84118
Howard Brown
ParticipantA few in this BBC gallery on Fog are above the cloud.
November 28, 2015 at 10:58 am #85117
Daniel Chang
ParticipantA few pictures from the sky
January 2, 2016 at 7:16 pm #86619
Mike Rubin
ModeratorReposted from the Odds and Ends thread. Would have done it on Dec 31st but the website went down?
I took an aerotow above the clouds yesterday. Here’s a 29 second timelapse of the launch. That was great fun! Playing around with a GoPro Hero 4 Silver I got for my birthday. What a fantastic little camera!
January 2, 2016 at 7:25 pm #86620
Mike Rubin
ModeratorThis is how I get those nice cloud shots at close quarters:
Pic in the CAS albums: https://cloudappreciationsociety.org/members/FlyByWire/my-clouds/picture/317/
January 8, 2016 at 4:24 pm #86820
Mike Rubin
ModeratorTwo new home made gliding / cloud videos have been put online.
On 29th December 2015 I took two winch launches above the clouds while experimenting with a brand new GoPro Hero 4 Silver. I combined clips to make it look like one flight, while highlighting the best parts of the flights. Cloudbase started off at 1100 feet above the ground while I was able to launch (on runway 23) to 1700-1800 feet. This gave me the chance to buzz the clouds from above. It also gave an unusual landing perspective too.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0c4rzpdxtk
Then I took an aerotow launch. I decided to record the launch as a 2 frames per second timelapse. The results were better than I could have imagined. Cloudbase was about 1200-1500 feet above the ground. I towed all the way to 4000 feet above the ground (4600 feet QNH). The second half of the tow above the larger cumulus clouds was spectacular! Upwind of me showers were building so my timing was excellent. I recorded video during the flight itself too. On the way down, after some spectacular flying amongst the clouds, I even managed to find some rare December thermals under the incoming shower clouds that extended my flight by 10 minutes. I did land with slightly wet wings from the shower but that was no problem. One of my best ever winter flights to end a month of almost constant gloomy extensive low cloud.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAbkjaLM03A
My first goes at edited videos. The 2nd one with a nice dreamy soundtrack.
February 7, 2016 at 5:59 am #87629
March 15, 2016 at 9:55 am #88541
Mike Rubin
ModeratorA few pics from 24th February 2016:
More at http://www.flybywire.org.uk/pictures/gliding2016.html
April 23, 2016 at 10:56 am #135948
Bastian Ulmer
ParticipantHaven´t been here for a while…
FlyByWire, your glider pictures use to be fantastic, but your latest two posts are outstanding!! What a unique selfie!! And your panorama- and cockpit pictures…
@Grant Butler – amazing picture! What a privilege to be able to see this at work! Working on an ambulance-/EMS-helicopter I sometimes feel ashamed to get paid for this ;-)Here some new pictures from the swedish mountains.
April 28, 2016 at 4:22 pm #136827
Mike Rubin
ModeratorThanks Bastian! 😃
May 21, 2016 at 9:39 am #144124
Mike Rubin
ModeratorWould anyone like to come with me to explore a sea breeze front over Dorset? This is an 8x speed timelapse compressing 18 minutes into 2. Hope nobody gets dizzy when I turn to soar thermals mind you lol.
June 2, 2016 at 4:10 pm #146972
Mike Rubin
ModeratorSpotted this video on YouTube of GoPro footage from an airline passenger as his plane flies through turbulenty towering cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds.
June 3, 2016 at 11:05 pm #147265
Howard Brown
ParticipantMike, for some reason I do not get pictures from your May 21 or June 2 posts. Sound comes through OK.
Curiouser and curiouser.
June 8, 2016 at 8:00 pm #148465
Mike Rubin
ModeratorThey are YouTube links which are available to the public. Not had any problems reported from elsewhere and they work from other machines and locations.
Maybe try clearing your browser cache and restarting and try again? Or right-click on the links and open in a new tab or window?
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