Cloud Videos

Clouds never stay still. They're in a state of perpetual transition, mutating from one form to another. This ephemeral, ever-changing quality is part of their beauty. If you have time-lapse video of clouds for this page, upload it to a video hosting site like Vimeo or YouTube and send us a link.

Cold Front and Convection

Christian Shorey from Colorado recently shared this timelapse video

Cloudspotting / Shrooms

This is the second in a series of timelapse videos by Hong Hu, for his project “Cloudspotting”

Cloudspotting / Light & Dark

Cloudspotter, Hong Hu recently began a side project called “Cloudspotting” where he will be capturing time-lapse videos of clouds. Here is the first of three he has shared with us entitled “Light & Dark”.

Arizona Monsoon, 2015

Cloud Appreciation Society Member 1,095, Davo Laninga has made a wonderful time-lapse film capturing the drama and power of the monsoon season over Arizona, US. Filmed over 3 months, 4,500 miles and about 50,000 photos captured between 2 cameras, it was clearly a huge undertaking and we applaud him for it!

Rainy Day

Cloud Appreciation Society member, Carlos Fernando Jung, has shared with us his latest video “Rainy Day”.

Time Lapse in Curitiba

Cloud videographer, Fabiano Diniz rencently sent a time lapse video he made during 4 days in his hometown, Curitiba, in southern Brazil. He told us that Curitiba is normally a very cloudy city, both in winter and summer. At night, low stratus clouds originating from the Sea Mountain Ridge (to the east of Curitiba) cover […]

Clouds Part 1 2015

Cloud Appreciation Society member, Prof. Dr. Carlos Fernando Jung, has sent us this video that he has made. It is a compilation of cloud photos that we’re sure you will enjoy.

Distortion with Rain and Piano

Cloud Appreciation Society member, Alistair Rennie recently sent us this video. The main feature of this video is clouds, with an emphasis on the darker and more menacing attributes of cumulus and stratocumulus formations in particular. The video uses various effects and was filmed in Edinburgh and the Fyvie area of the Northeast of Scotland.

Stormscapes 3

“Stormscapes 3,” the newest ultra-HD time-lapse weather video from Nicolaus Wegner, shows both the beauty and the ferocity of nature and was recently featured on the Huffington Post website.