Cloud Poetry

Why not send us your own cloud poetry? Remember to include your full name and where you live.

From Darren Harper

Halifax, UK (‘Home of good old Yorkshire clouds’). A short poem about clouds I wandered lonely as a man Through barren streets and towns When all at once I saw a cloud A smile to raise my frowns. The furrowed brow, the sullen eyes Sparkled and came alive When all at once that cloud appeared […]

From Duncan Edwards

Dallas, Texas, US. At the sculpture at the sculpture on a sunday afternoon, in the dream of terrell’s square screen, tending (to feel) blue Quantum Cloud looks like a load of blown sticks, stuck to some bloke on a hill, near stoke like the slag at heron cross, or near the pub* in penkhull. © […]

From Regina Coll

Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, US. Waft A stately puff chattered (as I sat rooted to the shoreline) until I pulled it down out of the sky into the empty chair next to mine. And was surprised at the weight, how it gathered substance – like a slow-boil cauldron, in a marvelous struggle of fluid tugs […]

From Sam Long

Tring, Hertfordshire, UK. Clouds for All Seasons There they float far above our head up in the summer’s sky, These marshmallow puffs glide effortlessly and seem easy on the eye. As the seasons roll on and days become shorter, The chill fills the air and darkness draws longer. As natures dramatic shift of warm into […]

From Heather Cameron-Fischer

Vevey, Switzerland. Mont Pélerin poems above Vevey Low hanging the clouds No sky, just grey Dismal is this another day ……………………..shrouds Funeral flowers have withered away …………………..shortlived No sun, no sound. A bell chimes As in gone-by times……. … Steam engine of bygone days Puffs its clouds across the lake Disappearing, reappearing. Reappearing, disappearing. Mountainous […]

From Cynthia Miller Mims

Houston, Texas, US. What I See I love to look up toward the Heavens, hoping to catch a glimpse of GODS Face, watching the clouds as they pass by, showing me tiny pieces of His— Glory. You see, as I watch I am greeted by the most awesome sites, clouds I believe are telling me […]

From Dr William R Cooper

Ashford, Middlesex, UK. How I became a Cloudspotter I was pedalling my bicycle along a country lane, Quite oblivious to the sky above my head, When a shout went up, “That cloud, sir! That cloud, sir! Look up there!” And I brought my cycle to a stop quite dead. Alas, I had forgotten ancient lessons […]

From Marybeth Holleman

Anchorage, Alaska, US. The Painter’s House At first, the horizon began sinking lower on the canvas, far beyond the rule of thirds. Then she did away with the horizon and the canvas altogether. Now all she paints is clouds: cumulus gathering on the door handle – cirrus streaking across bathroom counters – stratocumulus upon the […]

From Muphen R. Whitney

Westminster, Maryland US. Musings from an Unfettered Heart Opus Thirteen On the Sex of Clouds The clouds glowered, All gunmetal gray and threatening. They lowered their booms All might and fright. Beyond the clouds’ darkness lay A deep and endless azure sky — beckoning The world to its sunshine and warmth. The clouds spat out […]