Cloud Poetry

Why not send us your own cloud poetry? Remember to include your full name and where you live.

From Jill Mabbott.

Clouds. Tipperary, Ireland. Come with me into a summer field, covered over by a hemisphere of harebell-blue. Lay beside me in the sweet-smelling grass, studded with wild flowers, and gaze up. Over our heads, skylarks weave and sing; fluffy, white billows of cloud float and grow Upwards, outwards: speckling the earth with fleeting shadows before […]

From Wayne Paton.

Clouds? Magic carpets of the sky, changing art on the fly. Scribbled imagination pods, doodles of the mighty gods. Suspended dreams, cotton balls in floating streams. Illusive wings of silk and lace, or perchance a mirrored face. Fantasy within reality found, imaginations hunting ground. Mystic transformations fleeting, enchanted visions forever retreating. Unknown reasons why, hovering […]

From Wayne Paton.

Playground of imagination One day my mom, dad and me, went to a beach, down by the sea. In the sand, I carved a bed, where I lay, my tired head. As I looked up, into the sky, white magic carpets, drifted by. As they moved, their shape did change, into the wonderous, or very […]

From Kevin.

West Chester, Pennsylvania. US. “(I fly a powered paraglider. Recently, I had a remarkable flight above and among the clouds. This was a first for me, so I commemorated the occasion with this bit of prose. I hope your readers enjoy it.)” Morning Enchantment Morning mist met me as I left the RV. I smiled […]

From Jenni Holt.

Scotland. The Poem was written in Shabroo, a tiny village in the Himalayas, 1979. This lifting cloud… has raised it’s heavenly skirt; and been caught by the wind, unfettered by natural laws,it flies… higher than before. To disperse into the Eternal cyclic rains, from whence it came. Thus embracing Creation in all it’s forms, the […]

From Graham Croucher

Erith, Kent, United Kingdom. A sunset ditty The summer sun that sinks like sand Into this dusty, hilly land The red ball slips behind the rocks Just like a coin into a box. © Graham Croucher. 2007

From Cynthia Russell.

Southampton. UK. Early in the morning before the sun doth rise, you can hear the birds singing in the skies, dewdrops on the flowers, skies with pink do gleam, clouds like fairy towers, gone in morning dreams. © Cynthia Russell. 2007. “( I wrote this poem when I lived in Yorkshire as a child, for […]

From Christopher North.

Almassera vella Relleu Spain Clouds. This morning’s clouds shroud the mountain. They dull the valley, they have closed the room, they have enclosed us in a coldness. Our lashes pearl. They want us to honour them. Those grey, cream and grey with a smudged edge clouds, honour them and the long streams of clouds just […]

From Jacqueline Mai.

Pedro Our cat companion of 21 years Has gone to his heaven to join his mama. I imagine soft clouds holding and comforting him Where before it was us and our now empty arms. Passing clouds dapple his earthly resting place With a constant balm of caresses Bathing him in light and shade And taking […]