Cloud Poetry

Why not send us your own cloud poetry? Remember to include your full name and where you live.

From William J. Houston

Wilson, N.C. Clouds of Emotions The cumulus hordes the sky with it overpowering dominance, blending the wind, light and rain to create its earthly ambiance The darkness reflecting the spirit of my mood, a lighting flash exposing a soul that needs soothed. Within its cavernous body eruptions of sound echo loudly, mimicking a newborn announcing […]

From Mark Peacock

Clown Cloud Cloud to the North, you blow back and forth. Cloud in the South, you look like my mouth. Cloud to the East, you growl like a beast. …but cloud in the West, oh you are the best! You look like a clown, but not one with a frown. One with a grin, and […]

From Karl Stuart Kline.

LIBERATION Today I saw Death come riding by, On dress parade through the sky. With helm of ivory and cloak of fine bleached silk, He rode a giant stallion that was as white as milk, On his way to free some poor soul from the bonds of life and earth, To which he had been […]

From Amy Whitewick

Wiltshire, U.K. The Cloud Oh, fluffy cloud, So flat, so small, Surrounded by An azure pool. Suddenly you grow bigger, Making me shout , Look out, There’s rain about. Heavier you grow, Dark as dusk, Stretching across, Like a mammoth tusk. Slowly you fall to ground, Drip, drip, drip, Making a splattering sound. And there […]

From Rosemary Dunn

Shepherdswell, Kent. U.K. Clouds Such clouds there are today, such haughty clouds! Look! Follow their guiltless majesty crowns glinting like steel crucibles in gothic caverns fire sharpest of shadows shade upon shade of monstrous pustulous bubbles oozing from invisible thermals in turbulent air Looking like mountains these flocculent parodies are thrown high to the far […]

From James Webb Wilson (Jim the Poet).

Vernon, CT USA Clouds For Dreaming These are the mammoth clouds for dreaming, Piled high enormous mountains teeming, Chiaroscuros toned layer on layer ever bright, Puffy white upon puffy white. They slowly float across our view Dividing thew patches of azure blue On a proud afternoon of a summer;s day Gigantic masks of a surrealist’s […]

From David Franks

Newcastle upon Tyne. U.K. SKY VIEWS – AUTUMN 2000 From a council-flat in Bury, Through a wide window, I see – Landing on neighboring tiles – Some starlings, pied wagtails, The hop of magpie and sparrow; And hear geese bark as they go. A fancier’s pigeons circle, While a white flock of gull Play the […]

From Tim Percivial

Oh Wonderful Clouds. I look up into the sky, And see the cirrus clouds so high, The cumulus clouds making many shapes, Such as dragons, lions and apes, I also see the fog, like a bedsheet, And the altostratus floating at 10,000 feet, To me cloud spotting is a fantastic game, Until a cumulonimbus brings […]

From Mesha Banerjee

Am I Cirrus. Am I Cirrus Spiralled and curly Like fingers scratching above Am I cumulus Classic and flossed Adding colour to the bright blue sky Am I stratus Covering, enveloping Cotton wadding the heavens As I mutate and change with the wind Giving light and darkness to days Whitening and lightening Or soaking in […]