Got cloud art to contribute to the Cloud Appreciation Society? Submit in your work and we will be happy to consider sharing it here.
Stephen White
“Head in a Cloud” lamps by artist, Stephen White in Eugene, OR, USA Visit his website here:
George Banks
Visit his website here:
Marlaina Donato
in Hawley, PA, USA Visit her website here:
Dan Nuttall
Visit Dan’s website here: and his Facebook page “dandoesdesign”
Trina Bohan
in Edinburgh, Scotland Visit her website here: This painting is from Trina’s recent show Time Lines, shown at the Arusha Gallery Edinburgh in July. Loch Naver, The Flow Country, Scotland. Impressive for its big skies, especially during the winter.
Kath Gonzalez
Kath has recently started soft pastel painting. Clouds are quite difficult to express without looking false and she says she would appreciate input from our members.
Miya Ando
in New York, USA Visit herwebsite here: or follow her on Instagram: @studiomiyaando
Matthias Scholl
Visit his website here: Matthias Scholl is currently preparing for an exhibition of his work at the Galerie Gerstaecker, Überseetor 13. 28217 Bremen. It will run from the beginning of September until the end of December 2015.
Louanne Hein
in Kansas, USA “Kansas Composites”