Got cloud art to contribute to the Cloud Appreciation Society? Submit in your work and we will be happy to consider sharing it here.
From Sheila Finch
Sheila Finch, member 42153, is a professional artist who loves to paint the clouds on the coast of North California.
From Karen Reese Tunnell
Karen Reese Tunnell (member 41002) is an artist working in Atlanta, GA
From Linda Pearlman Karlsberg
Linda Pearlman Karlsberg, member 40985, is an avid cloudspotter, gazer and lover. Her artwork has been focused on the sky for quite a while.
From Iñaki Bilbao
Iñaki Bilbao is an artist from the Basque region of Europe who has been painting clouds for many years.
From Philip Govedare
"The constantly changing cloud formations in skies are less about a literal depiction of an observed phenomenon or place, but are a metaphor and a mirror of an interior landscape of individual consciousness and the human condition."
From Susan Downing-White
Susan Downing-White, member 41736, is an artist currently living in Mobile, Alabama
From Thane Byng
Thane Byng is an artist based in Dorset. These are two works from: POEMS & PAINTINGS in CLOUDS & SKIES that will be included at an upcoming exhibition
From J Pridgeon
This is a china painting from J Pridgeon of clouds over the only promontory in the south of Kuwait
From Christina Ulander
Christina Ulander is a professional artist based in Devon, UK