Cloud Art

Got cloud art to contribute to the Cloud Appreciation Society? Submit in your work and we will be happy to consider sharing it here.

Didier Gobert

Didier Gobert is a French painter who describes his artistic concept as: Supersonique 101, Movement in art and blue sky.

Molly Davies

Molly Davies, member 42,846, recently shared her cloud painting. Molly is an artist based in Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK and painted this scene in February 2017 year from a viewpoint in Teggs Nose Country Park.

Simon Morse

Simon Morse works in pastel, oil and charcoal. His pastel paintings are almost exclusively skyscapes as this medium is perfect for capturing the fluid nature of the subject. His oil paintings and charcoal drawings deal with woodlands and trees in their many different forms and textures. Most of the subjects for his work are very […]

100 Painted Clouds

Marie-Judith Jean-Louis has created a project which consists of creating 100 paintings of clouds in the colour trends of the year for cloud art lovers.

Emilie Lemay

Emilie Lemay (member 12,950) lives and works in Winnipeg, Canada

Ad Tinkham

Ad Tinkham is a US artist represented by Lucky Street gallery in Key West, Nash Gallery in Easthampton, Ma. and Gallery 65 on William in New Bedford,Ma.

Susan Respinger

Susan Respinger is a full time artist based in Western Australia

From Matthias Scholl

Matthias Scholl is a talented artist with great enthusiasm for Clouds.

From Rob Youngson

Rob Youngson is a digital artist who creates high-quality digital prints of contemporary landscapes, inspired by the sublimes of the Romantic painters of the 18th and 19th century.