Cloudspotting Chart poster


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SKU: 1680 Categories: ,


Our Cloudspotting Chart is the ultimate poster for sky geeks. It includes images and descriptions of 52 different cloud types, from the ten main ones like Cumulus and Cirrus (all of which feature in the diagram at the top) to rare and fleeting formations like fluctus and volutus – the crown jewels of any cloudspotter’s collection. This poster arrives folded with an accompanying panel on which you can tick off the different clouds as you spot them.

All photographs were kindly contributed by friends and members of the Cloud Appreciation Society. They represent the best reference images we know of for a wealth of fascinating and beautiful formations. At the top of the poster, the Ten Main Clouds diagram gives the appearance and relative heights of the main types (known as cloud ‘genera’). At the bottom of the poster is a photographic representation of the water cycle along with our advice about the frame of mind you’ll want to be in as a cloudspotter.

Put it up near a window, and our Cloudspotting Chart will be the ultimate guide to the sky always within easy access. Can you tick off all the clouds on the checkbox panel? If you manage to, and it won’t be at all easy, email us a photo of the completed checkboxes and we’ll send you a prize (because we trust you – and no, we haven’t yet decided what the prize will be).

Poster Details
Poster will arrive folded. The layout has been designed to fit around the folds.
Poster dimensions: 465 mm x 841 mm | Checkbox panel dimensions: 120 mm x 841 mm

Additional information

Weight 0.065 kg
Dimensions 21 × 15.5 × 0.3 cm

2 reviews for Cloudspotting Chart poster

  1. Peter Bannister avatar

    mundulla (verified owner)

    Would like to laminate this excellent poster. Is it possible to buy this not folded?

  2. Robin Pintar avatar

    Robin Pintar (verified owner)

    Great for beginners and a fantastic tool for introducing kids to cloud spotting. Wonderful for comparing clouds, effects and features. This order is TWO posters. The Cloud Spotted poster includes a place for you to check off the ones you have seen (to keep your life list ) while the Cloud Spotting Chart provides descriptions of cloud types and also the water cycle. So much information and fun in one place!

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