Notilucent Clouds over Paris – APOD image plus one from TWAN

Notilucent Clouds over Paris – APOD image plus one from TWAN

Forums The Cloud Forum Notilucent Clouds over Paris – APOD image plus one from TWAN

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    • #284265
      Laurence Green avatarLaurence Green

      Via NASA’s APOD page comes this short video of Notilucent clouds over Paris when, in 2009, the celebrations for Bastille Day were taking place.

      In the above link there is another link depicting a stunning image from P M Heden, a member of the elite TWAN  (The Watchers At Night) photographers.  The image was taken in 2014  at Gotland, Sweden.

      Marvellous image!


      PS  I know CAS member “Notilucy” (pen name) will find this much to her taste!  Enjoy!









    • #284574
      George Preoteasa avatarGeorge Preoteasa

      Laurence, very nice display. Quite unlikely I will see the noctilucies at my 40 degree latitude in a major city, So thank you for sharing.

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