Website redesign: what do you think?

Website redesign: what do you think?

Forums The Cloud Forum Website redesign: what do you think?

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    • #134665

      As we continue to work on the redesign of the website, we would love to hear your feedback. Two things that we know still need work are
      • the page-load time, which we feel needs to be faster – especially on mobile devices
      • the search function for the photo gallery, which currently doesn’t work properly
      Let us know here what you think of it so far, and if there are other areas that we need to improve.

    • #134846
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      I like the redesign. Afew things I figured out intuitively, like signing out, which brought me to using the same door for in and out. The Gallery portal no longer is of new photo everyday or so, but thats ok now that I know. There will be other challenges for me since I don’t keep up with the digital revolution but, I like the lite grey, lay out, and navigational ease. The new layered membership intrigues me as well. This forum appears to be working well. May this site continue to grow in appreciation and membership!

    • #135005
      Bert Vosters avatarBert Vosters

      Hi Gavin, and the rest:
      The new design looks great. Especially like the slider at the top, showing awesome cloud after awesome cloud… Well done.
      Keep looking up,

    • #135024

      Thanks Michael and thanks Bert. We really appreciate your feedback.

    • #135651
      Donna Bevington avatarDonna Bevington

      I like the new design. Looks fresh and contemporary. The layout is easy to use with nothing hard to find.

    • #135756
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      I appreciate the general redesign. The look is fresh and the navigation is intuitive.

      The filtering of pictures in the gallery and the search function seem to work properly as far as I can see.

      Some details:
      – On the i-pad the screen gets stuck after scrolling in the gallery. I can see that after the main menu comes back on the screen after scrolling down, the screen gets stuck. This does not happen on my laptop.
      – On the i-pad the page-load time is indeed too long and is not what it used to be. Especially the logging in takes a lot of time. On the laptop the page-load time is better, but may be improved.
      – A week and a half ago I saw a presentation of the gallery that showed the pictures in the right ratio. Now i see the pictures in a square format as it used to be. I appreciated the overview showing the pictures in the right ratio. I am curious whether you are working on this nice new feature.
      – Question: In the text under the menu entry “Submit a photo” a minimum size is required. Is the maximum of 1 Mb not applicable anymore?
      – Question: the appreciation button used to have the possibility of a rating from 1 to 5 stars. Now it seems to be “just” a like. Is that right?
      – I like the slider on the home page showing some striking pictures. I suppose you can change from time to time the selection of pictures that are showed in the slide? I read elsewhere on the forum that the altering of pictures is a bit frenetic. I agree, but the slide feature is very nice.

      I really like the new site, so success with the improvements you have in mind.

      • #138622

        Thanks for your comments and thoughts. We know that the mobile scrolling still doesn’t work quite right in certain circumstances. We are working on the load times. The square format for the thumbnails is what we are planning to stick with because otherwise they don’t stack neatly, since some are wide landscapes and others portrait. We are beginning to use rather larger images on the gallery, computer screens have grown. For this reason, we are no longer limiting the size of submissions. We decided to change the five stars to a like system because we thought it nicer, since letting visitors give photographers single star ratings for their clouds seemed pointlessly critical. We are indeed changing the image selection for the homepage, and will continue to do so. We’ve slowed the transitions a bit, but they could probably do with being slower still.
        Thanks again for your suggestions!

      • #138782
        Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

        Gavin, thanks for your answers. I agree completely. After al it is all improvement giving the site a new and fresh look. Well done.

    • #137467
      Craig Paterson avatarCraig Paterson

      I am loving the new design, a vast improvement over the old site. Congrats!

    • #138163
      Eric Massiou avatarEric Massiou

      Great’n’fresh design … like a cloud.

      Good job!

    • #138623

      Much appreciated, Craig and Eric!

    • #141437
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      I can now use the CAS Forum search facility, but I don’t find it intuitive. When you click the magnifying glass (on the right) you get this dark grey bar above with another magnifying glass (on the left) with ‘Search’ next to it. It took me a while to work out I can just start typing the search term – I was moving the cursor etc. I think it is not intuitive to type within a grey bar – more often they are white? and outlined?


    • #147269
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      The search facility seems to go outside the Forum now.

      My example is a search on ‘Blencathra’. I thought there was a Forum thread on this, but I just get one response, a picture of the mountain, possibly from the CAS Gallery? My reason for searching was the new story about the mountain in The Times (UK) 28MAY16.

    • #148339
      Jean-Louis Eveque avatarJean-Louis Eveque

      Visually clear and attractive. Great job.

    • #150698
      Jayne Lockwood avatarJayne Lockwood

      Much better and more attractive than the old one. Easier to use as well.

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